Environment News & Events

Fish and Game supports measures to keep New Zealanders safe

Fish and Game says the Christchurch mosque mass killing is a tragedy and it supports an overhaul of firearm laws to ensure the safety of New Zealanders.

  • 19/03/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove
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A Southland stream is dirtied by sediment washed from a poorly prepared crop paddock December 2018 DSC 3547 1
Fish and Game welcomes Environment and Water Pollution Tax Proposals

Fish and Game is welcoming recommendations for environment, pollution and water extraction taxes, saying New Zealanders want change now.

  • 21/02/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove
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Opening Day Lower Waitaki 2
Kiwis want tougher water quality rules to protect rivers from polluters

Over 80 percent of New Zealanders want tougher rules to protect rivers, lakes and streams from pollution.

  • 28/01/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove
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Manuka Points Don Patterson has a drink from a stream on his property
Working with nature reaps rewards for farmers

Two Canterbury high country farming couples have been jointly awarded the 2018 North Canterbury Fish & Game Working with Nature awards.

  • 25/01/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove
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Fish & Game: compensation claims ‘completely false’

Auckland/Waikato Fish & Game has strongly refuted as “completely false” a Waikato Times article’s claim that the organisation has been ordered to pay compensation as the result of a court…

  • 11/12/2018
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Fish & Game: compensation claims ‘completely false’

Auckland/Waikato Fish & Game has strongly refuted as “completely false” a Waikato Times article’s claim that the organisation has been ordered to pay compensation as the result of a court…

  • Eastern
  • 11/12/2018
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Second Fonterra sustainability report confirms industrial dairying unsustainable

Fish & Game is welcoming Fonterra’s second ever sustainability report in 17 years on its environmental performance, saying it shows the corporate dairy giant is still scrambling to respond to…

  • 29/11/2018
  • Richie Cosgrove
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Testing kit
Canterbury water testing raises health concerns

Fish & Game has carried out sampling in Canterbury -  knowing that nitrates contamination in rivers kills trout - to see whether contamination from intensive dairy farming is getting into…

  • 27/11/2018
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Northland Fish & Game Officer vacancy

Northland Fish & Game Council seeks a self-motivated individual to be part of their team.

  • Northland
  • 13/11/2018
  • Richie Cosgrove
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Opening Ocxt 2018 jigging off Red Beach Lake Tarawera.
Time’s running out - have your say on protecting trout!

Fish & Game is calling on anglers, as a deadline approaches, to step up their efforts to ensure trout and angling are protected from the controversial Conservation (Indigenous Freshwater Fish)…

  • 17/10/2018
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