Fish & Game NZ manages, maintains and enhances sports fish and game birds and their habitats in the best long-term interests of present and future generations of anglers and hunters.

Latest National News

This section contains news related to the New Zealand Fish & Game Council, as well as news on game bird and freshwater fish management, hunting and…

BB May 2019 CSI 1 Ranger on duty at Wainono Lagoon credit R Adams
What does F&G do?

Fish & Game NZ manages, maintains and enhances sports fish and game birds and their habitats in the best long-term interests of present and future generations…

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We have all the answers when it comes to all fishing and hunting questions throughout New Zealand.

New Zealand
F&G National Council

The New Zealand Government expects NZ Fish & Game to properly look after fish and game management, and oversee the effective management of the country’s sports…

All regions
F&G Regional Councils

The regional Fish & Game councils are the statutory managers of sports fish and game bird resources and their sustainable recreational use by anglers and hunters…

Corporate documents

Explore the corporate documents to gain insights into our company’s strategies, policies and submissions.

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National Research Programmes

Fish and Game NZ invests significantly in ongoing research programmes that intensify our shared understanding of the behaviours of animal populations and the impacts of human…

National Campaigns

Fish and Game NZ deploy campaigns to inform and engage the NZ public in issues of crucial importance to the health and sustainability of our natural…

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School & Education Programmes

Read more about our Education Programmes.

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Elections Programme

Fish & Game regional councils manage regional sports fish and game resources and habitats, and speak up on regional issues, as well as contributing to national…

A Fish Game ranger checking backcountry licences in the Upper Rangitikei Hamish Carnachan
Careers with Fish & Game

Any current vacancies with Fish & Game New Zealand will be listed on this page.

Advertise with us

Fish & Game connects annually with around 160,000 licence holders with a focus on the great NZ outdoors.

Fish & Game Magazine

Fish & Game magazine is a must read resource for anglers and game bird hunters.

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Official Information Act requests

People in New Zealand can request official information from us and it will be made available unless there is a good reason to withhold it.

Fish & Game NZ is everyone who buys a fishing or hunting licence – we are a ‘user pays, user says’ non-profit organisation that receives no government or taxpayer money. An important difference between Fish & Game New Zealand and other public organisations is that it is run by councils elected by the people who buy licences.