Fish and Game New Zealand along with the Royal Forest and Bird Society, the National Wetlands Trust and the Department of Conservation have been fighting hard to protect the remaining wetlands and establish new ones.
This website section has useful information on the biological value of wetlands and how to establish them. You can also download these pamphlets:
Creating Wetlands - How can we help you
Simple steps to improve your farm pond
Basic tips for predator control
Using Straw Bales and Carex secta to establish vegetational cover for water birds
We want to help youFish & Game New Zealand, a statutory body, has been at the forefront of protectin…
What do we all want? To turn a barren stock-watering pond into one where stock access water for drinking and the habitat for waterfowl is enhanced, while beautifying your property.
Not often seen but always present, cats, ferrets, stoats and weasels are the most destructive predat…
The Use of Straw Bales to Establish Carex secta in Open Water to Establish Vegetation Cover for Waterfowl