Fish & Game NZ manages, maintains and enhances sports fish and game birds and their habitats in the best long-term interests of present and future generations of anglers and hunters.

Our vision is a New Zealand where freshwater habitats and species flourish, where hunting and fishing traditions thrive and all Kiwis enjoy access to sustainable wild fish and game resources.


User pays, user says

Fish and Game NZ is everyone who buys a fishing or hunting licence – we are a ‘user pays, user says’ non-profit organisation that receives no government or taxpayer money.

Licence fees are set to cover the costs attributable to management of the fish and game resource. Your licence dollars go towards:

Species Management: 12%

We monitor and survey species populations; set season regulations; and manage pressure on the resource.

Habitat Protection: 26%

Advocate and take action to protect and enhance lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands; and secure ‘national park’ status to important rivers through Water Conservation Orders

Access and Participation: 11%

Negotiate and advocate so all New Zealanders can access our natural places; maintain access signage, information and brochures; organise fishing and hunting events and classes

Public Awareness: 10%

Maintain public advocacy; schools programmes; website and newsletters; community liaison; promote the right of licensed anglers and game bird hunters to pursue their chosen pastime

Compliance: 6%

Recruit, train, equip and coordinate warranted rangers, and enforce regulations to ensure the fish and game resource is sustained

Licensing: 10%

Provide a nationwide licensing system with a range of licence categories and sales channels that makes it easy to buy a licence. We are fully funded by licence holders

Council: 6%

Hold public meetings of elected councillors to approve regulations and budgets, set policies and provide governance for the Fish & Game system.

Coordination and planning: 9%

Provide research, planning and reporting; financial management and general coordination across Fish & Game New Zealand.