2025/26 CSI Triennial Regulations Review

The Central South Island Fish and Game Council (CSIFGC) is seeking feedback on eleven proposed changes to sports fishing regulations across a range of its fisheries as part of its triennial regulations review.

The triennial review process provides the opportunity for the Council to consider non-urgent regulations change proposals on a three yearly basis.

CSIFGC staff assessment of each proposal has been made with a consideration of simplifying regulations and increasing fishing opportunity where applicable.

To support CSIFGC in making informed decisions around each proposal, feedback from anglers and members of the public is sought. 

The proposed regulations are for the CSI Fish & Game Region only and may be introduced in the 2025/26 sports fishing season starting 1 October 2025.   

Please click on the below proposal headings (links) you wish to review and to fill in associated feedback forms.
Feedback will be accepted until 27 April 2025.

For further information about providing feedback please contact our office:
Phone number: – 03 615 8400
Email: csi@fishandgame.org.nz.  

The CSIFGC will formally consider the proposals and feedback at its 22 May 2025 Meeting. 

Regulation Change Proposals

Please click on the below regulations change proposal links you wish to review and to fill in the online feedback forms.

1. Lake Opuha / Ōpūaha – introducing a winter fishing season.
2. Lake Heron / Ōtūroto – enforcing use of single hooks to manage caught and released lake-type salmon.
3. Bells Pond – reducing trout daily bag limit.
4. Rangitata River / Rakitata – introducing an April trout season upstream of Turn Again Point.
5. Bait fishing – permitting restricted use of a portion of fish as bait.
6. Scented artificial lures (bait) – permitting restricted use in spin fishing waters.
7. Bait fishing – introducing regulation to clarify offence of bait fishing with salmon farm and trout hatchery feed pellets.
8. Upper Ahuriri River Catchment – Introducing November season opening date.
9. Awakino River / Te Awakinonui – Introducing an open season.
10. Lake Alexandrina / Takamana – Introducing a winter season brown trout bag limit.
11. Canal fishery – Introducing a universal bag limit across interconnected waters.