Auckland/Waikato Fish & Game have 1600 hectares of wetlands available for hunting, many of which have established ponds and maimais.

An entry permit for the below areas which is free, can be obtained from the Fish & Game office either by selecting here to request via email or select here to send a request via website.

To be placed on the ballot list for the below areas please select here.

General Authority Permit areas

Please select on the links below for more information for each wetland.

Whangamarino Wetland
Central Shepherd
Cocks Wetland

Dean Wetland
McKenzie Wetland
Blythen Wetland

Lower Waikato
Aka Aka

Council land2


Council owned land in the Auckland/Waikato Fish & Game Council Region.


1. Waikato Islands 415.6 ha
2. Aka Aka 116.3 ha
3. Piggott Wetland 53.8 ha
4. Mangatawhiri 213.3 ha
5. Whangamarino 739.2 ha
6. Waikare 74.4 ha
7. Waitakere 13.7 ha
8. Te Aroha 25.4 ha
9. Kakahi 14.2 ha
General Authority Permit

This permit authorises the holder to enter the following areas during the gamebird season.


Ballot List Request

To be added to the ballot list for the below areas please fill in the information and select the sub…