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Waitapeka Wetland Reserve is a 44ha wetland near Finegand. There are three ponds within the Fish & Game-owned reserve, one of which has a permanent maimai.
Travel along the Owaka Highway and turn right onto Freezing Works Rd. Access is via a farm track on the left-hand-side 300 metres from the intersection.
Photos: Access to Waitapeka wetland via private farm track.
A permit is issued to novice or junior hunters by ballot for each pond for the first nine days of the season.
Temporary sign near pond 1.
Other hunters may obtain permits to access the wetland during the rest of the season. Pegging of hunting stands at Waitapeka Wetland is not permitted.
Temporary sign near pond 2.
There is reasonable access to hunting positions on Ponds 1 and 2. Access to a maimai on Pond 3 is more challenging through tall grass and scrub.
Access across private property is by permission from the landowner. Details are provided with the permit.
To apply for a ballot, [click here].
To apply for a permit after the second weekend, [click here].