Welcome to Wellington fishing clubs.

E-mail / Phone
Dannevirke Fish & Game Club DANNEVIRKE Grant Trotter 06 374 8715
Horowhenua Freshwater Anglers Club HOROWHENUA John Davenport - Secretary 06 363 6050
Hutt Valley Angling Club HUTT VALLEY John Olds - Secretary [email protected] / 027 330 7581
Hutt Valley Coarse Fishing Club HUTT VALLEY Richard Moore 04 526 8172
Kapiti Flyfishing Club  KAPITI    
Manawatu Fish & Game Club MANAWATU Nick Berry 06 363 8119
Manawatu Freshwater Anglers Club MANAWATU Don Scott 06 355 1436
Rangitikei Fish & Game Club RANGITIKEI Vince Elvin 06 322 0009
Wairarapa Fish & Game Club WAIRARAPA John Pansters 06 378 6351
Wellington Flyfishers Club WELLINGTON Gordon Baker 027 494 6487

If you would like to add the details of your club, please email us.