A Trial Controlled Fishery Period will operate on the following waters for the 2024/2025 season between 1 October and 30 April:

- The North Branch Hurunui River (and its tributary streams) and;

- The South Branch Hurunui River (above the North Esk River confluence)


The aim of the Upper Hurunui River Controlled Fishery is to manage angling pressure on sections of the upper North and South Branch to maintain a high quality angling and wilderness experience.

The lower ~500 meter of the North Branch and the South branch below the North Esk confluence remains open to all licenced anglers without the need for Designated Waters Licence. 

A common theme throughout recent angling community feedback along with other users in these remote areas has been that the upper Hurunui North Branch and South Branch areas has at times been receiving a lot of angling pressure, despite the Designated Waters system being in place. At times the high level of use has caused conflicts between angling parties resulting in both anglers, guides and landowners being dissatisfied with the fishing experience. 

The Trial Controlled Period has been specifically designed to allow us to collect data to help determine whether these rivers need to continue as Controlled Fisheries, and if so whether it is for a particular high use time period or the full angling season.


Please read the information below and click the link at the bottom of the page to make a booking and obtain your Controlled Period Licence.


The allocation of both North and South Branch Hurunui River Controlled Fishery bookings is on a first-come, first-served basis through our online booking system. Bookings are intended to be made for the following periods and no more than a week in advance:


Period 1: Monday-Tuesday

Period 2: Wednesday-Thursday

Period 3: Friday-Saturday-Sunday

Final format for the 2024/25 season Trial of a CONTROLLED FISHERY BOOKING SYSTEM will be available from 26 September 2024. 

A maximum of four anglers per party are allowed per booking, and only one party is permitted per period on each river. Names and licence numbers of party members must be entered at the time of booking.

Special licencing requirements apply to these rivers - you must hold a whole season licence and a designated waters licence for the North Canterbury Region.


North Branch Hurunui River

The North Branch of the Hurunui River starting 500m above the head of Lake Sumner (grid reference NZTopo50/BU22 3088 7229 marked with a sign), including all tributaries.

Controlled Period: 1 Oct – 30 April
Fly and Spin
Bag Limit: 

Maximum fish length: 400mm


Map: https://www.fishandgame.org.nz/assets/Fishing/Fishing-Licences-Regulations/Special-licence-options-/Designated-Waters-licence/North-Canterbury/North-Branch-Hurunui-River-1.jpg


Green area on map: Open to all licence holders (including day licences)
Orange area on the map: 
Open to holders of a Controlled Period Licence and North Canterbury Designated Waters Licence only.



Walking or mountain biking access from the carpark just past Loch Katrine at the end of Lake Sumner Road. Walking access is also available on the Hope/Kiwi DOC track from Windy Point.

All other access is by permission through Lakes Station. Please note permission from Lakes Station is needed for anyone wanting to land a helicopter on their freehold land along sections of the North Branch. 


Upper South Branch Hurunui River (above North Esk River confluence).

Upstream of the confluence with the North Esk River (i.e. it does not include Lake Mason and Mason Stream or other tributaries)

Controlled Period: 1 Oct – 30 April
Fly and Spin
Bag Limit:

Maximum fish length: 400mm


Map: https://www.fishandgame.org.nz/assets/Fishing/Fishing-Licences-Regulations/Special-licence-options-/Designated-Waters-licence/North-Canterbury/South-Branch-Hurunui-RIver-1.jpg

Green area on map: Open to all licence holders (including day licences)
Orange area on the map: 
Open to holders of a Controlled Period Licence and North Canterbury Designated Waters Licence only.



Access to the Hurunui River South Branch Designated Waters fishery is by permission through Esk Head or Lake Taylor Stations.  Both stations are accessed from Lake Sumner Road.



Guides making a booking on behalf of clients must provide the relevant valid licence information of those client/s they intend on guiding, including themselves, this will ensure that the booking is issued in the name of the client/s.

Please be aware your clients will not be compliant with Controlled Fishery Regulations if they are not listed on the booking.

Guides are included in the party number (max 4) and therefore may accompany a maximum of three clients. Guides must also have the relevant valid licences. 

The accuracy of the information provided is vital to the effective management of our backcountry fisheries.



North Canterbury Fish & Game will monitor compliance within the Upper Hurunui Controlled Fisheries and the use of the booking system. Non-compliance with Designated Waters and Controlled Fishery Regulations is an offence under the Conservation Act and is subject to a maximum fine of $5,000.


Apply now for a Controlled Fishery Booking

Please be considerate and contact us to cancel your booking at the earliest opportunity if your plans change.

If you require further assistance, please contact us