Fish and Game supports measures to keep New Zealanders safe

  • 19/03/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove

Fish and Game says the Christchurch mosque mass killing is a tragedy and it supports an overhaul of firearm laws to ensure the safety of New Zealanders. 

“Fish and Game’s licence holders don’t use military assault rifles to hunt game birds and we do not see any legitimate recreational hunting use for military assault rifles,” Fish and Game New Zealand Chief Executive Martin Taylor says.

Martin Taylor says change is needed.

“The strong public sentiment and bi-partisan political support for a law change is clear and as a responsible, progressive organisation, Fish and Game is ready to engage on the issue to ensure a just, workable outcome. 

Fish and Game is a statutory organisation representing more than 150 thousand anglers and game bird hunters. 

“Firearm laws or the administration of firearm laws have failed us, so something needs to change and that is why Fish & Game is supporting firearm law reform,” he says

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