Weekly Fishing Report - 01 February 2018

  • Wellington
  • 1/02/2018
  • Wellington

Weekly Fishing Report -  01 February 2018

Welcome rain good for fish and good for fishing in the long run...

 The remnants of the tropical cyclone bearing down on us will blow the fishing but with very low river levels and high water temps the forecast rain will be a welcome relief.

This weekend might be more about tying flies or doing odd jobs around the house to earning brownie points to fishing at a later date...

That said, there's an outside chance of angling on Sunday if the rain amounts don't reach forecast levels so do keep checking the weather and flow updates through the links we provide.  

Otherwise, when the rivers clear next week, the flow recharge and refreshed fish should provide some cracker action if you can wrangle a day off!

PS - There has been some confusion around toxic algae alerts for the Hutt catchment. It IS SAFE to go fishing (though experts advise against eating fish from affected waterways). Click here for more.

PPS - There's still plenty of fishing on offer with the best action in the months ahead. If you need a licence get one online here     

Pictured above right: summer angling on a delightful small stream in the Wellington Fish & Game region (Credit: Matt Kavermann

Here's the outlook:

Hutt River and tributaries


Click the weather icons above to update.

The Hutt River is very low and clear but that will change with overnight rain and more forecast through Friday. There's an outside chance for fishing on Sunday if it drops quickly enough, otherwise check the flows on the smaller tribs to see if they are fishable - Akatarawa.  Please be aware of toxic algae alerts out for the catchment but remember it is still safe to go fishing (though experts advise against eating fish from affected waterways). For more information on the algae, click here.                 


Kapiti Coast


Click the weather icons above to update.

The Kapiti Coast rivers - the Waikanae, the Otaki and the Ohau - are again looking beautiful today but the rain in ranges will change that quickly. Keep a close watch on the flows because if the forecast weather isn't as bad as predicted then there might be some angling available on Sunday.      




Click the weather icons above to update.

Not as much rain is forecast for Wairarapa as other parts of the region but rain in the ranges will spill into the Ruamahanga and western Wairarapa rivers. Perhaps check the eastern rivers after the worst of the weather has gone through.     




Click the weather icons above to update.

The Manawatu and tribs - the Pohangina, Orua and Mangatainoka rivers - are also going to be impacted by the weather. Tie some flies over the weekend and grab a day off next week to go fishing when the rivers have cleared. On the upside, recent drift dives in the Pohangina show very good numbers of both browns and rainbows again!     




Click the weather icons above to update.

Shame about the rain because Sunday looks perfect for fishing. Unfortunately the Rangitikei is likely to be high and dirty, as will the other tribs. Angling will be out until next week on current forecasts.                    

Video of the week

The backcountry rivers clear faster than lowland waterways after rain so let this video whet your appetite... Click the screenshot below and enjoy.


Tip of the Week - Big Flow, Big Flies

Some people will go fishing no matter what the weather or conditions. And perhaps not surprisingly, they're the ones who generally catch more fish than the rest.

Yes, we've going to have some coloured rivers this weekend but it doesn't mean you can't catch fish.

When rivers are high it's time to change up your technique - go for big flies (or heavy, highly visible spinners). Naturally, larger flies and lures are easier for fish to see in murky, sediment laden freshes.

And don't think that because the water is high that the fish won't be feeding. Trout have to eat! 

During high flows the fish seek shelter from the velocity of the river wherever they can find it. This can be behind structure or even right up on the edges of the riverbank where the water isn't moving so fast.

Trout can be spotted riding out floods on the edges even in really dirty water  

So, look closely at the margins and target areas of refuge from the high flow with your large streamer flies and lures. Even big, highly visible nymphs will pull trout from dirty water.

If you're really keen or just want to break out of the house, give it a shot and you might be surprised at what you get.           

By Wellington Fish & Game officer Hamish Carnachan.

Latest Issue Out Now!

FGmag18Jan2018The latest issue of Fish & Game magazine is out now and features a remarkable story involving legendary Wairarapa angler and artist -the late Martin Simpson!

Can't find a copy in your local bookstore? Why not just grab a year's subscription - an absolute bargain at just $35 for the year.

There’s also heaps of great info on the mag’s website too.

Notice board

  • If you didn't receive a copy of our annual angling newsletter you can download a copy here.
  • River bulldozing - Don't let this destructive activity by Greater Wellington Regional Council ruin your fishing. Click here for the latest schedule of river destruction (you can also register your complaints through this page).
  • Ruamahanga access at Gliding Club (Greytown). Anglers are being directed to the Tilsen Road access.
  • Moawhanga Flushing Flows - Click here for more information but following is an early alert for the dates the flushes be will conducted: 
    - 13/14 February
    - 13/14 March
    - 17/18 April

Email Wellington Communications and Field Officer Hamish Carnachan if you'd like any fishing or freshwater-related items posted to this noticeboard.

​*This report was accurate at time of writing - please ensure you check the latest weather and river flow information before you head out on the water.

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