South Islanders Still Have A Month Of Duck Shooting To Go!

  • 6/07/2016

Don’t put away the guns just yet; you still have a month to go!

FGNZ Wainono46South Island game bird hunters have until the end of July to harvest most Game bird species.

You can shoot until 31 July throughout the island for Grey, Mallard and Shoveller ducks.

Fish & Game hunter surveys have shown that the Central South Island region has the quickest return for the duck shooter.

With an average of 1.2 mallards/greys harvested per hour this makes the Central South Island the fastest place to get a couple of roast mallard on the dinner table in NZ.

Some of the Fish & Game regions have longer seasons for the likes of quail, paradise shellduck, cock pheasant and black swan.

The crisp but sunny July days also make it for great upland game bird hunting. Why? because you and the dog won’t overheat when climbing around the hill country chasing chukar and quail.

North Canterbury even offers its annual swan competition which runs until September where you can win some great prizes.

Remember to clean up after yourself, pick up those shotgun shells especially so non-hunters don't get a bad impression of us!

Watch some action from the picturesque Wainono Lagoon here.

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