Weekly Fishing Report - 3 November 2017

  • Wellington
  • 2/11/2017
  • Wellington

Weekly Fishing Report - 3 November 2017

We've got a slight disruption to the fantastic run of weather, which has been producing stunning angling conditions, but it's still mainly good to go this weekend.   

Occasional rain is expected for much of the region today but the forecast at this stage suggest it isn't going to be of enough intensity to disrupt anglers. Indeed, it might actually be beneficial because some of the rivers - such as the Hutt - are already looking very low.

We do stress, however, that you should check the flows using the links provided before you head out n the water, just to make sure.

Other than that, Saturday rolls around fine, albeit with blustery northerlies. Seek sheltered water for fly fishing, or head to the river mouths with the spinning gear where the whitebait are running and the trout chasing.     

Grab your fishing licence online here if you haven't already. And remember only the premier Full Season Licence offers unhindered angling.    

PS - Those anglers likely to be affected by Vodafone terminating its email service, please see the noticeboard below.

Pictured above right: A nice brown taken by one of our rangers - Trevor Saunders -- in the Pohangina last weekend.

Here's the outlook:

Hutt River and tributaries


Click the weather icons above to update.

The Hutt River is looking very low and fishable at time of writing. The biggest issue this weekend is likely to be the wind. Look for a sheltered option such as the Akatarawa. Check the flows if the rain arrives today.      


Kapiti Coast


Click the weather icons above to update.

The Kapiti Coast rivers are looking great this morning but some heavy falls of rain are forecast for the ranges. The Otaki is likely to be most affected - it just depends on how much rain actually fall. If the rivers do rise the Waikanae is likely to drop the fastest.   




Click the weather icons above to update.

The Ruamahanga is finally down and looking glorious after a week of stunning weather in Wairarapa. This is a sure bet for Brown Beetle fishing evening and mornings. Check out the Tip of The Week below. All rivers in the Wairarapa are holding good numbers so take your pick - just check the flows before heading out.      




Click the weather icons above to update.

For possibly the first time this season the Manawatu is looking fishable for its entire length, which means all the tribs will be good at time of writing too. Some rain forecast today may increase flows so check the following live flow links before hitting the rivers: Oroua, MangatainokaPohangina.




Click the weather icons above to update.

The Rangitikei is carrying a little bit of milkiness but otherwise has a fishable edge. As usual, it's clearer the higher up the catchment you go. Anywhere above Vinegar Hill should be fine provided that patchy rain today doesn't come to too much.    

Tip of the Week - Trout Love Them, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

Brown Beetles

Brown beetle imitations alongside the naturals (Credit: Hamish Carnachan)

The Brown Beetle hatch has begun, almost a whole month early which gives an indication of how good the weather has been and how far advanced the seasons are...

The Brown Beetle is the adult stage of the Grass Grub and they are an important food item for trout in spring/early summer. They usually start taking to the wing between mid-November and mid-December but already there have been some very good hatches in Wairarapa on calm, warm evenings.

As the weather warms further, they will start hatching out of the ground in even greater numbers.

Because of their cumbersome nature the beetles often fall into nearby waterways.

The emergence of Brown Beetles is usually only over a few weeks but this year anglers may be lucky enough to get a longer crack at targeting trout that are feating on them.

They generally hatch out at dusk, so you need to be on the river during the evening and even fish into dark. Looking for rings and dimples put out by rising trout, or if it's dark listen for plops and slurps.

Fish that have been gorging on these are often 'programmed' to eat them so sometimes they'll take them during the day too.

If you spot a fincky trout that won't eat a beetle imitation presented on top of the water, try another beetle fly that hasn't been treated with floatant so it drifts along just below the surface.

By Wellington Fish & Game officer Hamish Carnachan.

Video of the week

Check out this short angling video which just goes to show you don't have to head into the backcountry in the Wellington Fish & Game region to get into some stunning trout.

Click the screenshot below to watch...



Fish & Game mag available online


Click on the cover image above to visit Fish & Game NZ magazine, where you'll find a heap of useful info, videos and articles to help you maximise your angling enjoyment and success.

You can also enter to win an Epic fly rod worth $1500!

Notice board

  • Email updates - If you are a Vodafone email customer you're will be affected by the company closing the service at the end of Nov. Please don't forget to email us your updated details so you can continue receiving our Weekly Fishing Reports.   
  • River bulldozing - Don't let this activity by Greater Wellington Regional Council ruin your fishing. Click here for the latest schedule of river destruction (you can also register your complaints through this page).
  • Ruamahanga access at Gliding Club (Greytown). Anglers are being directed to the Tilsen Road access.
  • Moawhanga Flushing Flows - An early alert that these will be conducted over the following dates: 

- 12/13 December
- 23/24 January (after Wellington anniversary weekend)
- 13/14 February
- 13/14 March
- 17/18 April


Email Wellington Communications and Field Officer Hamish Carnachan if you'd like any fishing or freshwater-related items posted to this noticeboard.

​*This report was accurate at time of writing - please ensure you check the latest weather and river flow information before you head out on the water.

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