Lower North Lowdown Weekly Fishing Report - 24 October 2024

  • Wellington Taranaki
  • 24/10/2024

Lower North Lowdown Weekly Fishing Report - 24 October 2024

Plan Around the Weather 

A pesky front moving in from the Tasman arrives later on Saturday in attempt to blow long weekend party plans, however, not all parts of the Wellington and Taranaki regions are forecast to be affected. 

While the rain hitting the lower Tararua and Remutaka ranges means local anglers will have to hit the small water or travel. The rest of us fair pretty well with only showers.    

With Monday being a public holiday, that's excellent news as it should allow the superb run of early season angling we've been enjoying to continue unhindered.   

At present, the rain amounts don't look too ominous so those who do find their local water impacted should get a chance to get out on Labour Day after there's been a chance for flows to fall away.     

Three lovely big browns sitting out in the open in this Manawatu River tributary last week (Photo: Hamish Carnachan).  

For the rest of the two regions, the season truly has got off to a cracker start so here's hoping the forecast holds and we get three fishable days to enjoy over Labour Weekend! 

Don't forget the long weekend provides a great opportunity to get kids, spouses and other family members out for a fish. And with the action running hot already this season, there's a good chance that if you pick the rights spot you'll all be into them. The family fishing licence provides awesome value too!   

And don't forget to send your fishing photos in - You could be in to win a $300 Hunting & Fishing voucher. See below for details.   

Grab Your Licence - Get Into The Action!

Jump online and get your licence the easy way - it only takes a minute. Click the image above to get started. 

Here's the outlook this weekend...    

Hutt Valley

Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Hutt Valley.

The Hutt River and its tributaries - the Pakarutahi, Whakatikei and Akatarawa - are all clear and still dropping. Some nice fish have been caught recently by members of the Hutt Anglers Club. They report small green caddis and Hare and Copper flies are the doing the damage. The club has been running on-water coaching and watercraft on Saturday mornings - get in touch if you're interested.                

The Hutt River at Silverstream this morning (Photo: Al Markham)

Kapiti Coast

Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Kapiti Coast. 

The Otaki, Waikanae, and Ohau are all low and clear and in perfect shape for fishing at time of writing. There's some wind around over the next couple of days but getting a fish in before the weather fronts roll in is going to be your best shot. Rain is forecast for Saturday before easing back to showers; hopefully the rivers will clear towards the end of the long weekend providing anglers a chance to get out.     

The Otaki River at SH1 yesterday (Photo: Phil Teal).                


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Wairarapa region.

The Ruamahanga River and tributaries - the Waiohine, Waingawa and Tauherenikau - are all looking stunning at time of writing. They'll likely remain fishable through 'til late Saturday when a front rolls in from the Tasman. The rain forecast to hit the Tarararua Range will certainly bring these rivers up. However, with little forecast to fall in the Ruamahanga valley itself, the likes of the eastern rivers and Waipoua could be fishable all long weekend.       

Check out the latest conditions for the lower Ruamahanga by calling this free-phone number - 083229069.             

The Waipoua River in Masterton this morning (Photo: Hamish Carnachan).


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Manawatu region.

The Manawatu River and Pohangina were looking lovely this morning - clear and fishable right through. The forecast for the long weekend isn't too bad for this part of the lower North Island, however, the amount of rain that hits the Ruahines will dictate whether the Manawatu and Pohangina remain clear enough. Some of the smaller eastern tribs are still holding plenty of fish and these shouldn't be affected by the front arriving on Saturday. The Mangahao River is also a good bet with its stable headwaters.           

The Manawatu River at Weber Road this morning (Photo: Horizons).


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Rangitikei region.

The Rangitikei River hasn't had rain for sometime now and is fishable for most of its length; even the mid-lower reaches below the Kawhatau confluence have been looking clean and clear for most of the week - the first time in months. With this spell of settled weather, some of the tributaries like the Hautapu (and possibly even the Kawhatau) should be running clear after being dirty for weeks. The fish will be well rested and eager to oblige anglers. Nothing too sinister in the weather forecast for this part of the region but just check the flows before heading in case rain falls in the ranges.                      

The Rangitikei River at Mangaweka this morning (Photo: Horizons).           

Taranaki Ringplain

Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Taranaki Ringplain region.

After a perfect weekend for fishing last weekend with fine weather and low flows, the coming long weekend is not looking too flash. With a couple of fronts coming through, first thing Saturday morning looks the best, followed by dodging a few showers on Sunday and Monday. But the fish are in feeding mode - water temperatures are right in the preferred range for trout and also for a hatch of mayfly, and maybe caddis. Coloured water shouldn’t be a deterrent, particularly for spin and softbait fishers, or even those dangling a worm or creeper under a bubble float.

This week, we made the first of two releases of hatchery fish into the lower Patea River below Patea Dam, courtesy of Manawa Energy. With inflows decreasing, river flows in the 14km of river between McColl’s Bridge and the dam have been right in the zone for spin and softbait fishers. Check out the flows at McColl’s Bridge on TRC’s website – hopefully this weekend’s rain will not change things much. This is a wonderful stretch of backcountry water to fish in spring and autumn/winter, located within an hour’s drive of Hawera. The landowner is happy for anglers to park on the roadside away from gates and walk across to the river, but please don't take dogs. We’d really appreciate any feedback on the fishery, photos of fish caught etc. 

Check out up-to-date flow information for the region's river before heading out.

The Lower Patea River yesterday (Photo: Allen Stancliff).


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Waimarino region.

Saturday morning also looks to be a good time to get out for a fish in the Waimarino region, with a period of rain due later in the day and showers on Sunday and Monday. Hopefully the weather will improve as the weekend progresses. River flows are currently the lowest they’ve been all spring, meaning the Manganuioteao could be well worth a visit on Saturday morning before the rain sets in.

Check out the live flow on the Mangwhero River at Pakihi Road to get an indication of levels in other nearby waters. For more info on fishing opportunities in the Ruapehu area, click here

The Mangawhero River at SH4 this morning (Photo: Horizons).


Video of The Week - Wairarapa Backcountry Adventure  

Check out this short video of a backcountry mission into some Tararua headwaters for the Opening of the 2024-25 season. Click the screenshot above to watch.  


Photo Competition - Win A $300 Hunting & Fishing Voucher

Albert Van Dalen with a cracker Wairarapa brown (Photo: Connor McNaughton).

Send in your favourite fishing photos from this season and you could be in to win a $300 voucher to spend in store at Wairarapa Hunting & Fishing.

We won't blow your secret spot, just include the name of the angler(s), photographer's details, and general location in the Wellington-Taranaki Fish & Game region.

  • Click here to submit your entry.

You can send us as many fishing photos as you like. By submitting images to enter the competition you acknowledge that Wellington Fish & Game can publish and use the photos for publicity material.

Entries must be in by 5pm Tuesday, April 2, 2025. The winner will be announced in the Lower North Lowdown report on Thursday, April 4, 2025.


Wellington and Taranaki Access Maps  

There's no better resource to help you plan your fishing missions this season than our new online access maps.

Click the map below to start planning your weekend angling outing!

Otaki Take A Kid Fishing

Lake Rotomanu Family Fishing Day 

The annual Lake Rotomanu Family Fishing Day will be held on Sunday, November 3.

Grab your kids and your fishing gear and come along to Lake Rotomanu in Fitzroy, New Plymouth, to fish for 500 rainbow trout released by Taranaki Fish & Game.

The event is being held in conjunction with the Inglewood Rod, Hunting & Clay Target Club and Taranaki Hunting & Fishing, and it will run from 8am to 1pm.

If your child is aged under 12 on October 1, 2024, we’re encouraging you to head to the Fish & Game website to obtain their free fishing licence.

If your child is 12 or older on October 1, 2024, you can register by phoning or visiting your local Taranaki Hunting & Fishing store (06-757 2255) as both stores have hard-copy registration forms.

Families are encouraged to bring what fishing gear they have to the Rod & Hunting Club’s marquee tent set up on the grass by the boat ramp prior to fishing and volunteers will assist with gear set-up, lures, bait etc.

Families will then be able to distribute themselves at suitable fishing sites around the lake.

If you have a supply of garden worms, they are a great bait for trout and perch. Fish & Game will have 100 spinners to give away and Taranaki Hunting & Fishing will have ready-to-go fishing sets available for purchase.


Stratford Kids’ Trout Fishing Day

This event has been rescheduled to Saturday, December 14. 

Taranaki Fish & Game will liberate around 300 good-sized rainbow trout from its Hawera hatchery into the Scout Den Pool in King Edward Park for this event.

A booking sheet will be at the Stratford i-site from mid-November.


Check, Clean Dry - Help Protect Our Lakes and Rivers

With summer fast approaching and the days getting longer, now is the perfect time to familiarise yourselves with the NEW North Island Check Clean Dry procedures. 

Rowing legend Mahe Drysdale has come on board as a CCD ambassador for Biosecurity NZ and has just released a new video. Click the screenshot above to watch. 



  • Pahiatua Trout Carnival - The event is all go for 2024. Anglers need to be registered before Labour Weekend to be able to enter the competition for the week of fishing from Saturday, October 26 through to Saturday, November 2. Registrations Monday, October 21 to Friday, October 25, Pahiatua information centre from 10 - 4pm.
  • Council River Works: Don't let bulldozers in the river ruin your fishing plans. Click here to download a schedule of Greater Wellington Regional Council's latest planned river engineering works.
  • Access to Lake Namunamu, near Hunterville, is closed as the access road is upgraded in preparation for the logging of Ngaruru Forest over the next three to five years

If you have any angling-related information you'd like posted to this noticeboard, including upcoming angling club meetings and outings, please get in touch with us.  

*This report was accurate at time of writing. For your safety, please ensure you check the latest weather and river flow information before you head out on the water.   


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