Lower North Lowdown Weekly Fishing Report - 17 October 2024

  • Wellington Taranaki
  • 17/10/2024

Lower North Lowdown Weekly Fishing Report - 17 October 2024

Another Great Weather Window This Weekend

The weather looks set to be superb again for anglers across both regions this weekend.

There may be a little wind for some parts, but for most the skies remain clear and sunny. 

Anglers have reported seeing good numbers of fish when they've been out and about but some trout seem uninterested in nymphs this early in the season. 

Pictured above: Jack Ogden with a hefty Ringplain rainbow in superb condition from this week.

This could be because the water temperatures are still quite low, so the aquatic bug activity may not have kicked in just yet (though it won't be far off). 

Streamers, spinners and softbaits will work well when this is encountered - the trout will still be in territorial mode after spawning and aggressively strike larger offerings; or in the lowlands they'll be attuned to whitebait runs.

Check out our tip of the week below about how to target trout chasing whitebait.           

Fox Carnachan enjoying a stunning day on the Ruamahanga River last weekend (Photo - Hamish Carnachan)

If you've got a youngster you'd like to introduce to angling this season, we've got a bunch of introductory and family fishing events coming up over the next few weeks... read on to find out more.  

And don't forget to send you fishing photos in - You could be in to win a $300 Hunting & Fishing voucher. See below for details.   

Grab Your Licence - Get Into The Action!

Jump online and get your licence the easy way - it only takes a minute. Click the image above to get started. 

Here's the outlook this weekend...    

Hutt Valley

Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Hutt Valley.

The Hutt River and its tributaries - the Pakarutahi, Whakatikei and Akatarawa - came up late last Sunday but are falling nicely and should be at perfect flow and clarity come the weekend. Yesterday the Hutt was reportedly carrying lots of water but was clear, and even a small hatch of mayflies was coming off in the morning with a few swallows working up and down. Should be a cracker weekend for Wellington anglers.                

The Hutt River at Totara Park yesterday (Photo: Al Markham)

Kapiti Coast

Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Kapiti Coast. 

The Otaki, Waikanae, and Ohau are running clean and clear, with moderate flows. This will provide plenty of opportunities for anglers this weekend. Good numbers of fish were seen in the lower reaches, below State Highway One, yesterday. Streamer patterns imitating whitebait will work a treat.   

The Otaki River at SH1 yesterday (Photo: Phil Teal).                


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Wairarapa region.

The Ruamahanga River and tributaries - the Waiohine, Waingawa and Tauherenikau - have good flows but are mostly clear following a fresh earlier in the week. Come Saturday they should be in excellent shape with settled weather through to next week; the weekend outlook is great, with sunny skies. Reasonable numbers of fish are still holding in the spawning waters, providing exciting and challenging small-stream fishing.   

Check out the latest conditions for the lower Ruamahanga by calling this free-phone number - 083229069.             

The Mangatarere Stream at Carterton South yesterday (Photo: Hamish Carnachan).


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Manawatu region.

The Manawatu River and Pohangina are carrying lots of flow and colour and will take some time to clear. The mainstem Manawatu higher up around Dannevirke could be worth a shot come Saturday though. Alternatively, the Oroua is clearing quickly and is almost fishable at time of writing. The Mangahao River is looking stunning, as the picture below attests. It has a slight hint of colour but visibility is all the way through the water column - it could be firing for the weekend.          

The Mangahao River at Mangamaire yesterday (Photo: Hamish Carnachan).


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Rangitikei region.

The Rangitikei River is high with plenty of flow but still has a clear edge where spin anglers or fly fishers retrieving large, dark streamers should still pick up fish. Visibility is around one metre into the water column but this should improve as we head into the weekend. The Hautapu is coloured up unfortunately and will take some time before it's fishable. Once again, the Rangitikei is looking great at Pukeokahu so there'll be good fishing on offer for anglers who head up to Mangaohane or Springvale access points.               

The Rangitikei River at Vinegar Hill yesterday (Photo: Hamish Carnachan).           

Taranaki Ringplain

Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Taranaki Ringplain region.

We’re in for a fantastic weekend of fishing with rivers clearing well, flows receding and fine weather forecast, particularly on Sunday when winds will be light. Anglers have reported very good early-season success, even when streams have been coloured up, and from all accounts there’s plenty of good fishing to be had. Trout will be able to be spotted on their feeding lies in the middle and upper reaches of streams and size 12–16 Pheasant Ttail, Half-Back and Green Caddis nymphs will be worth a go.

Check out up-to-date flow information for the region's river before heading out.

Lower Waiwhakaiho River at the meeting of the waters yesterday (Photo: Allen Stancliff).


Click here for live updates and forecasts for the Waimarino region.

The weather’s also looking good for this weekend in the Waimarino – Metserivce is predicting a chance of a shower, but this may not eventuate and in any case the winds will be light, providing a great opportunity to get out for a fish. River flows will still be receding towards low flow in the Waimarino and spin and softbait fishing will be productive in larger waters such as the Mangawhero and Manganuioteao rivers. Fishing the nymph will be the way to go in the headwaters and in the smaller streams. Check out the live flow on the Mangwhero River at Pakihi Road to get an indication of levels in other nearby waters. For more info on fishing opportunities in the Ruapehu area, click here

The Mangawhero River at Ohakune yesterday (Photo: Hamish Carnachan).


Tip of The Week - Target Whitebait Chasers 

A lower Ruamahanga brownie that was chasing schooling whitebait (Credit: Hamish Carnachan)

October is a great month to hit the lower river reaches with whitebait runs in full swing. 

Trout and kahawai are attuned to the annual migrations of these tasty morsels and are feeding ravenously!

Spectacular fishing can be had in the shallows with large trout busting up shoals of whitebait desperately trying to avoid being eaten. 

Light weight spinning gear, using light coloured soft baits, Rapalas and silvery spoons, are ideal for this sort of fishing; fly anglers should use a floating line, with a 2m leader, and a streamer fly such as a Grey Ghost, Green Rabbit or similar.

A strong 'rip' where a stream enters an estuary is a great location for finding sea-run trout (Credit: Hamish Carnachan)  

Finding structure is key to locating the trout and kahawai and, hence, hooking up. Look for submerged logs, rock groyne areas, shallow drop-offs into deeper water. The predators will have chased them into such locations and the bait fish will be seeking refuge.

Similarly, rips and eddies are places where the current forces the smaller fish to congregate - these are ideal to prospect with casts too.             

Trout and kahawai that have been feeding on whitebait are some of the best conditioned fish you will find in our rivers. And they are simply delicious when smoked.

When the rivers and estuary water are clear early season, target these lower reaches for some awesome angling action.

- By Hamish Carnachan


Photo Competition - Win A $300 Hunting & Fishing Voucher

Send in your favourite fishing photos from this season and you could be in to win a $300 voucher to spend in store at Wairarapa Hunting & Fishing.

We won't blow your secret spot, just include the name of the angler(s), photographer's details, and general location in the Wellington-Taranaki Fish & Game region.

  • Click here to submit your entry.

You can send us as many fishing photos as you like. By submitting images to enter the competition you acknowledge that Wellington Fish & Game can publish and use the photos for publicity material.

Entries must be in by 5pm Tuesday, April 2, 2025. The winner will be announced in the Lower North Lowdown report on Thursday, April 4, 2025.


Wellington and Taranaki Access Maps  

There's no better resource to help you plan your fishing missions this season than our new online access maps.

Click the map below to start planning your weekend angling outing!

Otaki Take A Kid Fishing

Lake Rotomanu Family Fishing Day 

The annual Lake Rotomanu Family Fishing Day will be held on Sunday, November 3.

Grab your kids and your fishing gear and come along to Lake Rotomanu in Fitzroy, New Plymouth, to fish for 500 rainbow trout released by Taranaki Fish & Game.

The event is being held in conjunction with the Inglewood Rod, Hunting & Clay Target Club and Taranaki Hunting & Fishing, and it will run from 8am to 1pm.

If your child is aged under 12 on October 1, 2024, we’re encouraging you to head to the Fish & Game website to obtain their free fishing licence.

If your child is 12 or older on October 1, 2024, you can register by phoning or visiting your local Taranaki Hunting & Fishing store (06-757 2255) as both stores have hard-copy registration forms.

Families are encouraged to bring what fishing gear they have to the Rod & Hunting Club’s marquee tent set up on the grass by the boat ramp prior to fishing and volunteers will assist with gear set-up, lures, bait etc.

Families will then be able to distribute themselves at suitable fishing sites around the lake.

If you have a supply of garden worms, they are a great bait for trout and perch. Fish & Game will have 100 spinners to give away and Taranaki Hunting & Fishing will have ready-to-go fishing sets available for purchase.


Stratford Kids’ Trout Fishing Day

This event has been rescheduled to Saturday, December 14. 

Taranaki Fish & Game will liberate around 300 good-sized rainbow trout from its Hawera hatchery into the Scout Den Pool in King Edward Park for this event.

A booking sheet will be at the Stratford i-site from mid-November.


Check, Clean Dry - Help Protect Our Lakes and Rivers

With summer fast approaching and the days getting longer, now is the perfect time to familiarise yourselves with the NEW North Island Check Clean Dry procedures. 

Rowing legend Mahe Drysdale has come on board as a CCD ambassador for Biosecurity NZ and has just released a new video. Click the screenshot above to watch. 



  • Pahiatua Trout Carnival - The event is all go for 2024. Anglers need to be registered before Labour Weekend to be able to enter the competition for the week of fishing from Saturday, October 26 through to Saturday, November 2. Registrations Monday, October 21 to Friday, October 25, Pahiatua information centre from 10 - 4pm.
  • Council River Works: Don't let bulldozers in the river ruin your fishing plans. Click here to download a schedule of Greater Wellington Regional Council's latest planned river engineering works.

  • Access to Lake Namunamu, near Hunterville, is closed as the access road is upgraded in preparation for the logging of Ngaruru Forest over the next three to five years

If you have any angling-related information you'd like posted to this noticeboard, including upcoming angling club meetings and outings, please get in touch with us.  

*This report was accurate at time of writing. For your safety, please ensure you check the latest weather and river flow information before you head out on the water.   


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