Help shape the future of our angling and hunting heritage

  • Otago
  • 9/08/2024

Help shape the future of our angling and hunting heritage

This year Fish & Game councils around New Zealand will hold their triennial elections. Ian Cole, who has been an elected member on Otago Fish & Game Council since 1997, has decided it’s time to give other anglers and hunters an opportunity at governance. While not seeking re-election, Cr Cole is encouraging a broad diversity of Kiwi licence holders to consider standing for a role.

As a lifelong angler and game bird hunter, I have found immense fulfilment in giving back to the pursuits that have enriched my life. After 27 years serving as an Otago Fish & Game councillor, I have experienced first-hand the rewards and importance of contributing to the governance of our angling and game bird hunting resources. Today, I encourage New Zealanders who share my love for these activities to consider standing as a candidate in the upcoming regional Fish & Game council elections.

Fish & Game councils play a crucial role in preserving our angling and game bird hunting heritage. These statutory organisations, elected by licence holders every three years, ensure that our freshwater habitats and species thrive, maintaining the traditions that many of us hold dear. The environmental advocacy of Fish & Game is also more crucial than ever. The organisation operates on the principle of "user pays, user says", maintaining regional autonomy to address local issues effectively.

Reflecting on my years on Otago Fish & Game Council, there have been many highlights. Successfully applying for the Nevis Conservation Order and establishing a beat system on the Nevis are achievements that stand out. I have also contributed to the development of 10-year sports fish and game management plans and played a role in creating a transparent process for the Anglers Notice Review policy. Bringing the concerns of resident licence holders to the council and ensuring financial prudence has been immensely satisfying. These experiences have underscored the importance of dedicated governance in safeguarding our resources for future generations.

Being a Fish & Game councillor is not only about the tangible outcomes but also the camaraderie and personal growth. Serving alongside a team of talented and dedicated individuals has been a highlight. The relationships built with fellow councillors and staff have turned into lifelong friendships. The decision-making process, grounded in scientific evidence, has been challenging and rewarding, allowing me to contribute to the protection of angling and game bird hunting resources. Sitting at a governance table also helps to build one’s strategic leadership skills.

To be an effective Fish & Game councillor, first and foremost one must possess an inherent passion for angling and game bird hunting. A commitment to “giving back” in the interests of all licence holders is fundamental. Understanding the structure of Fish & Game and appreciating the importance of regional autonomy are crucial. Additionally, one must have a deep appreciation of New Zealand’s angling and game bird hunting resources and their historical significance.

The threats we face, such as political interference, centralisation, commercialisation and eco-fundamentalism, require councillors who are knowledgeable and proactive. A sound understanding of governance, with the ability to manage conflicts of interest, is important. In my own experience, it has been crucial to be fully transparent as a professional fly-fishing guide, Clutha Fisheries Trust chairperson, and Upper Clutha Anglers Club president. Good communication skills and respect for the talented staff within Fish & Game are also vital.

As we look ahead, incoming councillors will need to focus on several priorities. Recognising and addressing threats to the Fish & Game model is vital. Supporting credible environmental conservation efforts, advocating for clean water, and upholding river flows are ongoing challenges. Maintaining our social licence, exploring strategic alliances, fulfilling treaty obligations, increasing stakeholder engagement, seeking financial efficiencies, and motivating current and future licence holders are essential tasks.

It’s not just about fishing and hunting but preserving the fundamental right of all Kiwis to access clean and abundant fresh water for all forms of recreation. This, undoubtedly, benefits the mental health and wellbeing of the whole community. In my experience, New Zealand has the best freshwater sports fishery on the planet and the freedom of access that we enjoy to that acclaimed resource provides opportunity to all New Zealanders. We must never take that for granted.

Diversity within Fish & Game is vital. Kiwis from all walks of life, particularly those with governance experience, should consider standing for election. Angling and hunting are growing passions among women, and let’s hope this leads to more women on our councils. Whether you are an experienced angler or hunter, a conservationist, a young passionate person, or someone from an underrepresented community, your voice is incredibly important.

Nominations for the elections open on August 12, with voting from September 24 to October 11. Help shape the future of our angling and game bird hunting heritage. Your contribution can make a lasting impact.



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