Lake Coleridge Fishing Competition postponed

  • North Canterbury
  • 1/11/2021
  • Richie Cosgrove

Lake Coleridge Fishing Competition postponed

Unfortunately, due to uncertainties about Covid-19 in the Canterbury community, North Canterbury Fish & Game are postponing the annual Lake Coleridge Fishing Competition.

The Competition will be held once we have some certainty from the Government about the conditions events can be held under.

We wish to acknowledge the assistance from our sponsor, Christchurch (Ballingers) Hunting & Fishing, and Glenthorne Station (who provide an opportunity for anglers to camp on their land during the Competition). 

Both parties are helping us find a suitable time to reschedule this popular event that can see up to 1000 people visit the area. 

Above right: The weigh-in at the 2020 Competition.

The High Country fisheries are still opening to anglers on Saturday,  so anglers don’t need to cancel any trips they had planned; all they need to do is follow the current Alert Level conditions from the Government. 

Because the Competition is postponed, camping is ONLY available at the Harper Campsite this weekend. 

While there is no camping available on Glenthorne Station this weekend, this will be possible when we hold the rescheduled Competition.

Anglers can still access the mouth of the Ryton River, but camping is not permitted till the Competition occurs. 

Anglers heading to the lakes can find accommodation options for the are online. 

North Canterbury Fish & Game will notify anglers when the Competition can be held


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