Urgent investigation into Hawke’s Bay pheasant dumping

  • 26/07/2018

Urgent investigation into Hawke’s Bay pheasant dumping

Fish and Game has begun an urgent investigation into the dumping of dozens of dead pheasants on Napier’s Westshore Beach.

The pheasants were found on Napier’s Westshore Beach early this week but their origin remains a mystery.

Fish & Game New Zealand Chief Executive Martin Taylor says the organisation is investigating where the birds came from and who is responsible.

“We don’t know where these pheasants have come from and whether it’s the result of poaching or some other reason,” Martin Taylor says.

“Pheasants are a highly valued game bird and to have them dumped in this way is not acceptable. 

“What makes it worse is that many of the birds are hens,” Mr Taylor says.

“We want to get to the bottom of this and I have contacted Hawke’s Bay and Eastern Fish and Game regions asking them to urgently investigate what has happened.”

Martin Taylor says Fish & Game licenceholders are appalled by the dumping.

“Hunters treasure pheasants and they are upset such a magnificent game bird could be treated in this way. 

“Dumping them is not only illegal, it also breaches ethical hunting guidelines,” he says.


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