Northland Both Barrels June 2019

  • Northland
  • 18/06/2019

Northland Both Barrels June 2019

Midway through the season and there are still many hunting opportunities around.

The last day for Grey, Mallard and the Shoveler season was on the 30th June.

Paradise Shelduck and Swans can still be taken up to the 4th August whereas Pukeko, Quail and Cock Pheasant Season close on the 25 August.

The season for upland game in the Far North (Area A) varies to the rest of the region.

This season closes a full three weeks earlier on 4th August.

At this point in the season you have to work harder for your birds.

Ducks have definitely disappeared from the ponds and are making themselves scarce.

The odd swan can still be found on the water.

Hunting tactics have to change for hunters to be successful.

Walking the riverbanks or using watercraft can bring in the results.

Remember, search places to hunt on the Fish & Game, DOC or Walking Access NZ websites.

Alternatively come into the regional office for some more information.

Upland Game


Dogs are a hunters best friend.

Pheasants can add value to your hunting licence at this time of year.

A trained dog helps flush out the birds, we have had good reports of hunters walking riparian strips flushing birds as they go.

Forestry blocks are also providing good success stories.

In Northland we have a large population of pheasants in a wide variety of habitats.

They prefer areas where ink weed is common.

Pest control is vital to increase pheasant numbers as mustelids prey on the birds at all live stages and rats compete for their food.

Cooking your game birds

Tired of roast duck or the old faithful casserole?

Why not be a little bit more adventurous?

A simple google search brings up endless recipes to try.

You can’t go wrong with any variant of a Thai Red Curry.

The delicious recipe below is one of my favourites.

Duck Red Curry with Roasted Kumara and Crispy Shallots

Seeking your feedback

NTH JUNE BB 2 We are currently undertaking a hunter harvest survey during the hunting season.

The information is very helpful for us in making our management decisions for the Northland Region.

We would appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the survey when contacted by phone.

If you have any questions or feedback about the survey, please direct them to our Fish & Game office.

Bird bands

If you have shot a bird with a band please fill in the online form.

This data provides valuable information regarding the distribution and movements of game birds.

You can also ring the free phone number 0800 BIRD BAND (0800-247322).


We have received some reports of hunters targeting game birds from motorised boats under power.

This is an offence and will not be tolerated.

You can only hunt from a boat not being “propelled by mechanical power.”

You can motor to your hunting location but just not drive the game birds with the boat.

Also, we have had report of people hunting without permits in private forestry blocks.

We are following up on this and will be conducting more compliance checks in the areas concerned.

Not obtaining the appropriate permits puts all our hunting access at risk.

If you see any hunter not following the regulations let our office know and we will follow it up in a timely manner.

Introduce a new hunter into the sport.

Day licences are available from the 13 May 2019.

They are available for a 24 hour period that must be specified and are $22.

These are a great way to introduce a new person to game bird hunting.

Take a friend along and get them involved.

Graham Gallaghan, Northland Fish & Game Officer


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