Both Barrels July 2020

  • Otago
  • 17/07/2020

Both Barrels July 2020

Plenty of season ahead

I trust you have had an enjoyable 2020 game bird hunting season to date and treated yourself to a few feeds of wild duck, try this delicious recipe here

Last month included typical winter conditions, rain, and snow throughout the region but for central it was mostly inversion layer, cold and foggy.

The extended grey/mallard and shoveler season ends on Sunday July 26 but there is still plenty of hunting available for those wishing to hunt paradise shelduck or intending a trip into the hills for some entertaining quail hunting.

Right:Mia Boyd of Alexandra very satisfied with the hunt and her first duck shot with a .410 bore.

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Kenny Simmons of Alexandra has been a licence holder for several decades

The closing date for hunting these game birds is Sunday August 30

Paradise shelduck will be mobbed up and feeding on selected pastures.

Often, they will be in similar areas to past seasons.

Do your homework and then hatch a plan which may involve and early morning start and set up in the dark.

If parries are feeding in a green paddock with little cover a simple hide constructed with light camo covers and a good decoy spread will suffice.

Silhouette decoys are easy to carry and any shot birds can be propped up to improve your spread.

Birds will decoy in close so don’t over choke your firearm and use a slightly larger shot size than you would with mallards because they are a larger bird.

If you have plenty of cover available use it to your advantage.

Parries can be great to eat and there is plenty of praise for the recipe here

Quail Hunting

There hasn’t been a lot of feedback about the quail season but there are numerous opportunities available.

Department of Conservation can be approached for hunting on public land and don’t hesitate to knock on a farmer’s door.

Admittedly throughout central, sunny days have been few and far between. Quail love sunny winter faces so if you get a good weekend day take full advantage of it.

Wear bright coloured clothing and if hunting in groups be ever watchful on your firing zone.

What better way to get some winter exercise for yourself, a mate or two, and those hunting dogs.

Cliff Halford Fish and Game Officer

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