Weekly Fishing Report - North Canterbury 5-1-18

  • North Canterbury
  • 5/01/2018
  • Richie Cosgrove

Weekly Fishing Report - North Canterbury 5-1-18

The Waimakariri lakes remain closed while we wait for the MPI lab to identify the mysterious rashes found on trout in early December.

Although we have a number of signs in the area noting this closure, we have had a few reports of anglers fishing these lakes, and Rangers will continue to patrol the area while we await results. 

Neighbouring Coleridge lakes have understandably experienced an increase in activity over the festive season and reports from anglers boating on Lake Coleridge indicate that fish activity has been good recently, although Lake Georgina seems to have gone quiet, possibly as a result of this increased pressure.

The welcome rain we are getting today should help cool waters a little and fishing should be good this weekend, and hopefully we get some good catches to report on in next weeks report. 

At the time of writing, North Canterbury seems to have had quite heavy rainfall,  which I am sure will please the locals and give the Waiau, Hurunui and Ashley rivers a much needed top-up, as they have been running very low recently.

The rain should ease off overnight, with winds expected to ease Saturday before changing to the west and picking up late Sunday. 

Salmon fishing has been relatively quiet over the last week, with a few taken each day from the lower Rakaia and very little from the other salmon rivers.

There has only been the odd salmon taken at McIntosh’s Rocks in the lower Waimakariri which has been very quiet, with the increasingly targeted Kahawai also scarce recently. 

Good luck if you are heading out for a fish this weekend. 

Steve Terry,Fish & Game Officer



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