Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 9th April 2021

  • North Canterbury
  • 8/04/2021
  • Richie Cosgrove

Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 9th April 2021

Hello and welcome to the North Canterbury region fishing report, the weather is going to be less than ideal this weekend. 

A large North West system will be bringing rain and wind to the high country both Saturday and Sunday.

Currently the main alpine rivers a very low and clear and will continue to drop right up to Saturday. 

It is expected that a fresh will come down these rivers on Sunday so there is a window of opportunity for Friday evening and Saturday this weekend.

Remember there is no sea-run salmon fishing on these rivers as the salmon season closed on the 31st of March.

Lake Coleridge (pictured above) is still open for salmon as these are landlocked salmon. 

The best place for salmon is at the Harper/Wilberforce diversion end of the lake.

These fish are much smaller than their sea-run cousins, but they are excellent eating. 

Shore anglers are best placed using silver ticers or spoons and casting out a long way. 

Trolling for salmon using silvery lures is also effective.

Unfortunately, the weather forecast does not look great for Coleridge this weekend but the lake is now open until the end of September so there is plenty of opportunities.

As all the rivers are low there is an opportunity for anglers to explore the many kilometres of trout fishing on the main alpine rivers. 

The middle reaches of the Waimakariri holds reasonable stocks of rainbows. 

These respond well to soft baiting techniques as well as blind fishing with a dry fly.

The mid to lower reaches of the Waiau and Hurunui are also very productive fisheries. 

Saturday is going to be the best day for these rivers as they are expecting to have a fresh on Sunday.

Back country rivers are going to be less than ideal conditions this week. 

Strong winds and rain are forecast on both days. 

Fly anglers are probably best to target lowland streams around Ellesmere of Christchurch this weekend. 

Sunday looks to be a better day for lowland fisheries as there is a bit of warmth provided from some North West winds and sunny conditions. 

This should liven up insect activity and see some trout near the surface.

Tight lines

Tony Hawker

North Canterbury Fish & Game

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