Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 16th October 2020

  • North Canterbury
  • 15/10/2020
  • Richie Cosgrove

Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 16th October 2020

Hello and welcome to the North Canterbury region fishing report.  The weather has been messy this week.  October has been dominated by North West rain in the high country followed up by a succession of cold southerly changes. 

Not ideal but fairly typical at this time of year.  These changes in weather systems do provide a small window of opportunity between wind changes. 

This weekend it looks as if Sunday will provide one of these settled weather windows.

Above Right: The Harper River changing course and causing havoc on the access road down to the lake.

At the time of writing (Thursday morning) all of the rivers are high but dropping. 

There is some rain forecast on Saturday morning but it doesn’t look to be enough to raise the rivers again. 

A basic summary would be that the main alpine rivers will still have some colour by the weekend and will be marginal for fishing. 

Probably a reasonable colour for salmon if there are any early ones around.

Foothill streams such as the Ashley and Selwyn have had a top up this week and are running a little high but should be clear enough for fishing by the weekend.

Backcountry rivers will be high but fishable on the weekend.  Sunday will be the best day to head for the high country.

Backcountry fish are in good condition this year thanks to the protein boost from the mouse plague last season. 

Flows will be heavy so either spin fishing or using heavy nymphs will be the preferred methods. 

It is still very cold in the back country so don’t expect too much insect activity yet.

Lake Coleridge Fishing Competition

This year, the opening of the North Canterbury high country lakes is Saturday 7th November, which will be celebrated again with a fishing competition at Lake Coleridge, with a great prize pool generously sponsored by Hunting and Fishing.

The focus of the competition is on participation, and every angler who shows their licence at the weigh-in will be in the draw for many spot prizes. 

The competition will be based at the turn off to Ryton Bay from the Harper Road, where there will be a Fish & Game tent and weigh station.

Weigh-in is from 9am – 1pm, with the prize draw around 1:30pm. Please ensure you arrive at the weigh-in before 1pm to avoid missing out.

All fish must be caught in Lake Coleridge or the nearby Coleridge lakes.

They must be whole and not gutted for the weigh-in. There will be a free sausage sizzle all day.

Lake Coleridge is the most popular lake in the region for fishing and this event is a great way for anglers to celebrate the traditional high-country opening.

Please note that the landowners are giving us permission to hold the competition in the paddock on the left as you onto the road to go down to Ryton Bay off Harper Road. 

Camping is permitted in this paddock for the weekend. 

If you are staying the night please take all your rubbish with you, use the toilet down at the lake or in the portaloo provided by Fish & Game. 

No dogs are allowed due to lambing.

Thanks, and good luck for the competition.

Tight lines.

Tony Hawker, North Canterbury Fish and Game Officer


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