Reel Life February 2021

  • 17/02/2021

Reel Life February 2021

Cicada’s that’s the word from Fish & Game staff around the country in this month’s Reel Life. 

These noisy little insects can be fundamental in your fishing success for the coming month. 

Even angling guru Hugh Creasy talks here about how the month of March is prime cicada time. 

Be sure to click through the links above to check out the great fishing advice from across our Fish & Game regions. 

Even if it’s not your local area, the tips and advice in Reel Life can help improve your chances of fishing success. 

This month the advice from Southland talks about the Makarewa River as a great foundation fishery for beginners. 

While over on the West Coast, March is the month for salmon and the team from Otago have a handy guide on how to spot the difference between salmon and trout. 

Right at the top of the country, the team at Northland Fish & Game need your help in spotting koi carp in the Kai Iwi lakes. 

The team at Eastern are highlighting how good their stream mouth fishing is at the moment whilst further south in Taranaki the ringplain is fishing well. 

The North Canterbury place to be is the lower reaches of the Hurunui and Waiau Uwha Rivers, and Nelson Marlborough’s staff have a report from their seasonal drift dives. 

The Auckland Waikato region needs your help with their sterile fish project in Lake Arapuni. 

Down in the Central South Island region, the big news is the landing of possibly the biggest sockeye salmon caught in New Zealand! 

Be sure to check out these and more in this month’s issue and get out there to enjoy some quality fishing. 

The team at Fish & Game.




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