Whiskey Creek Chinook Salmon Enhancement Program

  • North Canterbury
  • 7/06/2017
  • Richie Cosgrove

Whiskey Creek Chinook Salmon Enhancement Program

Salmon smolt release day Sunday 2nd July 2017 at 10 am

Fish and Game are inviting, Lake Coleridge Village residents, Local Landowners, Trust Power, Anglers, and members of the public to celebrate the first Fish and Game Salmon Smolt releases, from the new fisheries enhancement site at Whiskey Creek.

After years of planning by staff, and the dedicated team of volunteers, the day has finally come to wish the 1 year old smolts good luck, as they head out to the Rakaia river, and make their way downstream to the sea.

This family day will commence at 10am when the smolts are screened down to the tail end of the races.

A brief safety induction and will also be held at this time.

Initially volunteers will be netting, and passing out bucket loads of little salmon for the children, or adults, to release into the creek themselves.

At around 10.30am the main screens will be pulled, and around 40,000 salmon smolts will all be liberated into the creek.

There will be a barbeque sausage sizzle on the day, and gold coin donations for salmon feed costs of future releases are always gratefully accepted. Gum Boots, jackets, and warm clothing is advised.

Look forward to seeing you there on this exciting, and most special occasion. 

Kind Regards

Dirk Barr,North Canterbury Fish and Game Hatcheries ManagerFGNZ NC GamebirdSurveyr45

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