Trout Population Gets a Boost with Upcoming Releases

  • 8/03/2017

Trout Population Gets a Boost with Upcoming Releases

Fish & Game are about to commence a number of fishery enhancement releases over the coming month, including a Trust Power release of 400 adult rainbow trout into the Branch/Leatham Rivers.

Jacob Lucas Argyle RainbowNelson Marlborough Fish & Game Manager Rhys Barrier says having a local source of trout and salmon grown on contract for Nelson Marlborough Fish & Game region will hopefully be of real benefit to licenced anglers.

“We will also be carrying out an immediate release of adult brown trout into the Riuwaka River (formerly Riwaka) in order to try and boost the flagging population in this river, which was once a superb fishery.

“Further releases into the Waimea fish out ponds, as well as the Waimea River will take place to coincide with the April school holidays”.

As a result of previous releases into the Branch/Leatham, the numbers of rainbow trout have increased markedly in Lake Argyle, which is located in the Wairau Valley.

Last week Fish & Game staff counted record numbers of trout in their annual drift dive count with 420 medium and large rainbow and brown trout in Argyle Canal, which flows into Argyle Pond.

Barrier says “If you can get a windless day, this is a great option to take the kids on a day trip, or even better stay overnight at the Lake Argyle camping area”.

Feedback from Marlborough anglers has been extremely positive from a December release of brown trout into the Taylor River Junior fishery.

“A number of junior anglers have been enjoying catching some of the 1kg+ fish that were released in time for the summer school holidays.

Barrier says “Licence holders are reminded to get out there and make the most of the current fishing opportunities, noting that some of these fisheries will be closing on April 30th”.

The Wairau River has been reported to be fishing well in the lower reaches, with an excellent population of brown trout, and a growing number of rainbow trout now living in the system as a result of periodic Branch River fish releases with Trust Power.

Salmon fishing was said to be slow to start with however reasonable numbers of salmon are now being caught.

Fish & Game Field Officer Jacob Lucas says that after a wet summer, fishing conditions in Nelson and Marlborough’s Rivers are now excellent.

“Many rivers are hitting form, including local mainstays such as the Motueka and Wairau Rivers which are currently fishing very well, with the rivers in great shape, and good numbers of fish present,”.

“While trout can be fussy at times, you’ll find success at this time of year if you target willow lined edges, and riffle habitat, using small nymphs and dry flies or cicada imitations.

Lucas says “Trout are making the most of the terrestrial bonanza at the moment with passion vine hoppers and cicadas largely on the menu. Spin anglers are best to target the top water areas in the evenings, when trout sit just underneath the surface intercepting mayflies”.

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