Issue with Canterbury Lake

  • 30/11/2017
  • Richie Cosgrove

Issue with Canterbury Lake

Notice to Anglers

Fish & Game wants to draw your attention to the closure to all fishing in two Canterbury lakes, Lake Grasmere and Lake Sarah.

UPDATE: Photographs available to view now here:

Both lakes are beside State Highway 73 through Arthur’s Pass.

The lakes have been closed while Fish & Game investigates the discovery of trout living there which have unusual rashes and spots on them.

The symptoms have been found on both brown and rainbow trout.

Fish & Game has gathered samples of these fish and sent them for analysis by experts at the Ministry of Primary Industries.

MPI and DoC have been alerted to the discovery and access to both lakes has been closed.  Signs have been put up notifying anglers of this.

Fish & Game is now working closely with MPI on the issue. 

At this stage, it is not known what is causing the rashes.  Results of the scientific tests are not expected for several weeks. 

While we do not know if there is a threat, Fish & Game is always very concerned by such discoveries and believes it is prudent to act immediately and notify you as licence holders about what is happening and ask for your help. 

We ask that if you have been fishing in the Canterbury region that you thoroughly clean all your fishing tackle and equipment, including boots, waders and nets immediately. 

You must be scrupulous with your cleaning.

Thoroughly drying your equipment in the sun is also recommended as the sun’s UV light is a powerful sanitiser. 

In the coming weeks, all anglers should remain vigilant and continue thoroughly cleaning your fishing tackle and equipment after each trip. 

This applies to all anglers, especially with the Christmas holiday season coming up and anglers travelling throughout the country.

If you catch any trout which have unusual rashes, please notify your nearest Fish & Game office and ideally take the fish to them.

As information becomes available, we will be posting it on the Fish & Game website  Please check the website regularly to ensure you have the latest news and advice.

Thank you for your help and co-operation, 

Fish & Game

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