Angler Advisory – Opuha/Opihi flushing flows

  • 11/01/2018
  • Richie Cosgrove

Angler  Advisory – Opuha/Opihi flushing flows

A flushing flow has been arranged for tomorrow (Friday 12th January) for the Opuha/Opihi River system to piggy back onto the natural rain event.

The purpose is to remove nuisance algae from the river bed and flush it out of the system. 

The flow from Opuha Dam will be stepped up to 16 cumecs beginning tonight, Thursday 11th January. 

This will provide a good base flow for the flush tomorrow. 

Then an additional 50 cumecs flushing flow will be released from Opuha Dam beginning at 7 am Friday morning for a period of about two hours. 

This pulse will reach Skipton Bridge, near Fairlie, about 9 am resulting in a flow of 65-70 cumecs. 

This pulse will continue downstream arriving at Saleyards Bridge, Pleasant Point, at about 2 pm and at SH 1 Bridge at about 5 pm. 

Anglers and other river users are advised to be fully aware of these increased flows and be prepared to move to higher ground when they occur.

All users should also be advised that river flows could be higher than these levels depending on the amount of rain that falls tonight.

Opuha Dam Limited, and particularly their Chief Executive, Tony McCormack, are to be commended for taking this action on such short notice. 

They and Central South Island Fish and Game hope this has the desired effect of removing nuisance algae from the river to improve the health of the river and provide better conditions for anglers. 

Jay Graybill

Chief Executive

Central South Island Fish and Game




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