Fish & Game welcomes sentencing of Blenheim man

  • 11/10/2017
  • Richie Cosgrove

Fish & Game says the sentence handed down to a Blenheim man today for firearm and hunting offences is a welcome deterrent to others considering flouting gun and wildlife laws.

Willem Henricus Lampe was today sentenced in the Blenheim District Court to four months community detention with a night time curfew.

He was also ordered to pay $500 to a local anger management service and forfeited his firearm.

Lampe was also ordered to pay prosecution costs or $475 and placed under supervision for nine months.

Lampe had earlier been convicted of illegally possessing a firearm, hunting without a licence, using lead shot and obstructing a Fish & Game officer.

The charges were laid after a confrontation between Lampe and two Fish & Game rangers during the duck hunting season in Southland earlier this year.

The summary of facts states Lampe behaved aggressively towards the rangers, threatened to push one off the maimai they were in, swore and told the female ranger she “should be home looking after her kids.”

Fish & Game Chief Executive Bryce Johnson is welcoming the sentence.

“Being deprived of one’s liberty has Lampe has in this case is always a significant penalty, and the order to pay $500 to an anger management service was indeed a penalty to fit the crime with the obstruction and threats it involved.

“I have no doubt the penalties will be welcomed by the tens of thousands of law abiding waterfowl hunters who don’t want their recreation tarnished by such behaviour.

“It is pleasing to see the court demonstrating there is no tolerance for such anti-social behaviour,” Mr Johnson says.

Bryce Johnson says the rangers were doing their job when confronted by Lampe.

“The two rangers were abused and threatened by the offender.  They were doing a valuable job protecting our wildlife and the environment for hunters and the public and are to be praised for standing their ground.

“Our rangers are often volunteers.  Throughout the country, these women and men give up their time to protect our gamebirds and sports fish to ensure there are healthy populations for everyone to enjoy. 

“They are wanting to give something back for other anglers and hunters and don’t deserve such foul-mouthed abuse and attempted intimidation,” Mr Johnson says.

 “The courts have today reinforced the work our rangers are doing every day and they will continue to protect our wildlife without fear or favour,” Bryce Jonson says.

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