Central South Island Fish & Game joins the appeal on the RDR Decision

  • North Canterbury Central South Island
  • 17/08/2018
  • Richie Cosgrove

Central South Island Fish & Game Council (CSIFG) is joining an appeal against Canterbury Regional Council’s decision on applications by Rangitata Diversion Race Limited as a S274 party.

The Council is joining on the appeal points raised by Paul Hodgson, South Canterbury Salmon Anglers Assoc, Future Rivers Trust and NZ Salmon Anglers Association Inc.

These points include:

  • construction and maintenance of the fish bypass,
  • the five cumec take and discharge for operation of the fish bypass,
  • construction of the fish screen, and
  • the additional 10 cumec take by the RDR as it relates to effects on the lower river.


“CSI Fish & Game has the same goal of restoring the salmon fishery of the Rangitata that is in a serious state of decline” says Jay Graybill, Chief Executive of CSI Fish & Game.

“We will be assisting the anglers by being involved in the appeal and mediation processes and retaining experts who have given consideration to the concerns they raise.”

As this matter is now a “live” appeal, CSIFG is not able to speak further on this matter.

It should also be noted that matters addressed at mediation are done so on a strictly confidential basis.

Jay Graybill, Chief Executive

Central South Island Fish & Game Council


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