Candidates announced, now ensure you are on the roll

  • 3/09/2015

Freshwater anglers and gamebird hunters are being urged to make sure they are on Fish & Game’s electoral roll for next month’s regional council elections.

Candidates for the twelve regional councils have been announced after nominations closed late last week.

Trout and gamebird licence holders now have another week to ensure they are on the 2015 electoral roll so they can vote in the elections and select the best candidates to represent their interests..

The Electoral Roll closes at 5pm on Wednesday 9th September 2015, with Friday, October 9 being Election Day.

“The Fish & Game elections are only held every three years, so it is important that our stakeholders take this opportunity to elect their representatives to the Fish & Game regional councils and have some input into the management of our sports fish and game bird resource.” says Don Rood, Communications Manager, Fish & Game New Zealand.

“It is great that there has been a good number of candidates putting themselves forward for election right throughout the country as new councillors provide a fresh perspective on the many issues facing Fish & Game.

“Fish & Game’s Regional Councils have an important role – they’re responsible for setting regional fishing and hunting regulations, helping develop policy, prioritising management direction and promoting game bird hunting and fresh water angling.”

Mr Rood adds that most people will have taken the opportunity to be included on the roll when they purchased their 2014/15 whole season fishing licence, or 2015 game bird hunting licence, but for those who still want to vote it is not too late.

“You can find out if you are on the electoral role by contacting your local Fish & Game office, and if you need to enrol, the electoral enrolment form can be found on the Fish & Game website.”

Fish & Game is a self-funded statutory body and Mr Rood says the “user pays, user says” principle is a cornerstone of the organisation.

“It is important that all freshwater anglers and gamebird hunters take this opportunity to ensure they have the best possible people representing them at regional council level.

“There’s no point in not taking this opportunity, then spending the next three years moaning about how management of our trout and gamebird resources should be better.

“Here’s your chance to have your say, so make the most of it” he said.

More information on the 2015 Fish & Game Regional Council Elections can be found by visiting: -

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