Wellington/Taranaki - Weekly Hunting Bulletin 13 June 2024

  • Wellington Taranaki
  • 13/06/2024

Wellington/Taranaki - Weekly Hunting Bulletin 13 June 2024

Saturday Looking Great for Hunters  

There was some reasonable hunting last weekend but the best weather arrived early Monday morning. 

Those lucky enough to be out at dawn were greeted with superb waterfowling conditions - gale-force winds and heavy rain.

While the ducks tucked up in sheltered spots early on, the big water shot well throughout the day with flights of birds continually moving around.        

Pictured: A pair of Black Swans battling their way into a wild nor-wester on Lake Wairarapa early this week (Credit: Hamish Carnachan).  

Several hunters from Lake Wairarapa reported having their best shoot of the morning, so clearly there are still plenty of ducks around when the weather gets them going.

A sheltered backwater on a stormy Wairarapa morning - a great place to pick up mallards looking to escape the rough conditions out on the lake (Credit: Hamish Carnachan). 

The end of the main waterfowl season is drawing closer - Sunday, June 30 - meaning there are only three weekends to get out. 

Good news is that this Saturday looks like it'll be rotten for kids' sport but great for duck hunting!    

A very strong west to nor-west flow is expected to hit the Taranaki and lower North Island from early morning and last through most of the day.

When weather conditions like this present during the season, you've simply got to make the most of it!  

Here's the outlook...

Weekend Weather Outlook 

The brighter the colour the stronger the wind (Credit: Windy.com)

A bizarre weather situation sees the country wedged between five very active low pressure systems at time of writing. 

One of these will start to track its way across the middle of the North Island from tomorrow afternoon. 

For Taranaki and the lower North Island it will bring strong north-easterlies with it for Friday afternoon. 

As the low moves south, then swings back out to the west, the wind changes to a very strong nor-westerly flow. 

Winds are forecast to be gale on the coast, particularly around Kapiti and up into the Taranaki Bight, filling in further east and for Manawatu from early morning. 

This big wind shift will really confuse the birds and should see good flights come first light Saturday morning as they seek out shelter. 

Strong winds are expected to last throughout the day before easing towards evening and calming down on Sunday.                   

Click here for the latest weather updates from Metservice, or visit the Windy website to track conditions coming our way.

Hunting & Fishing Photo Competition - Win $300 To Spend in Store

Trent Lett captured this stunning sunrise over his shooting possie in Wairarapa. 

Send in your favourite photos from this game bird hunting season and you could be in to win a $300 voucher to spend in store at Wairarapa Hunting & Fishing.

We won't blow your secret spot, just include the name of the hunter(s), photographer's details, and general location in the Wellington-Taranaki Fish & Game region.

Click here to submit your entry.    

You can send us as many hunting photos as you like.

By submitting images to enter the competition you acknowledge that Wellington-Taranaki Fish & Game, and Wairarapa Hunting and Fishing, can publish and use the photos for publicity material.

Entries must be in by 8:30pm, August 25, 2024. The winner will be notified via email.

Start Planning for a Pheasant Hunt

Permits are available for hunting upland game on three forest blocks in the Taranaki region. Permits for hunting in Harakeke and Tauwhare forests near Whanganui are available in a weekly draw.
To participate in the draw, hunters must obtain a free permit from Taranaki Fish & Game (either 021 270 0239 or email us), then prior to noon each Thursday, contact Taranaki Fish & Game to go into the draw for a permit for the coming weekend.
For the Nukumaru hunting area there is no weekly draw, but hunters need a permit from Taranaki Fish & Game and they must contact the respective grazing lessee listed on their permit prior to hunting.
A special condition for Nukumaru blocks 4 and 5 is that in accordance with conditions in the lease agreement with Whanganui District Council, permission must be granted by the lease holder before access to those blocks is permitted.
The Wellington Fish & Game region also has arranged managed hunter access to several forestry blocks in Manawatu and Wairarapa.
If you're interested in learning more about the hunting opportunities here, see page 48 of this season's North Island regs booklet.
To obtain permits, please email us.       


Big Water Decoy Rigs

We regularly receive enquiries from hunters new to Lake Wairarapa wanting to know how to hunt it. 

This video produced by North Canterbury Fish & Game shows how to set up decoy rigs for Lake Ellesmere - a similar set-up will also work for us here on Lake Wairarapa. 

Click the screenshot to watch.      

Want to Keep Ducks on Your Pond Longer?

Want advice on how to keep ducks on your pond longer, or need help creating or improving your existing one?

Wellington-Taranaki Fish & Game are happy to help - we have the staff expertise and experience. 

Drop us an email and we'll call to discuss your plans.   

Hunting Heritage

Check out this classic archival footage of duck hunting on Lake Wairarapa - a brief illustration of the long hunting tradition in the area.

Click the screenshot to view.     


Get those Band Details In

If you manage to harvest any ducks wearing 'precious metal' this season, please get the details back to us. 

Hunters are welcome to hold on to the band, we just want some basic information that goes with that precious metal - the banding programme is an important part of our mallard management.   

Band info can be registered by, ringing the free phone number 0800 BIRD BAND (0800-247322).

Alternatively there's a ready-made form to fill out on the Fish & Game website here.

Health and Wellbeing 

It's men's health week and an important consideration is for blokes to also take stock of their mental, not just physical, health. 

The Firearms Safety Authority has put some resources together that can help, and answer any questions firearms owners may have around this area.

Also, Darren Thurston, who leads Mental Hunts, has put together this video blog that dives into the challenges he's had with mental health, how it affected his firearms ownership, and the positive impact hunting has had on helping him. 

Hunting in Wellington Regional Parks

If you value game bird hunting in any of the regional parks administered by Greater Wellington Regional Council, you need to have your say.   

The annual regional parks and river trails satisfaction survey is now open.

Click here to participate.     

Safety First This Season!

The team at Wellington-Taranaki Fish & Game would like to remind hunters about the importance of firearms safety and encourage you and your hunting buddies to refresh yourself with the seven rules of firearms safety.    

1: Treat every firearm as loaded.
2: Always point firearms in a safe direction.
3: Chamber a cartridge only when ready to fire.
4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.
5: Check your firing zone.
6: Store and transport firearms and ammunition safely.
7: Avoid alcohol or drugs when handling firearms.

We hope you have a great season - please keep in touch and let us know how you're going. 

​*This report was accurate at time of writing. For your safety, please ensure you check the latest weather information before you head out hunting. And always be safe and responsible with firearms .  

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