Duck hunting still going ahead next year

  • 15/10/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove

Duck hunting still going ahead next year

Information spread by the Coalition of Licenced Firearms Owners (COLFO) and picked up by ACT’s David Seymour is incorrect.

 Our interpretation of the act is that steel shotgun ammunition is not classified as prohibited ammunition by the Arms (Prohibited Ammunition) Order 2019. 

The ammunition that is referred to is rifle ammunition with a steel core designed to defeat body armour NOT steel shotgun ammunition. 

Fish & Game has been working with the hunting sector to provide meaningful enhancements to the new Arms Legislation Bill that will increase public safety. 

“This is a time when firearms groups should be working together for the public good”.

“Fish & Game advocates for and represents over 40,000 Game bird hunters around New Zealand, and steel shot is used by these hunters to keep toxic lead out of the environment. We would be shocked if the environmental benefits of steel shot were outlawed”.

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