Both Barrels May 2024 - Auckland/Waikato
- Auckland/Waikato
- 24/05/2024
Opening weekend summary
Auckland/Waikato had four teams out of opening weekend, honorary rangers were paired up and some came out with staff. Honorary rangers targeted public land areas which receive more regular ranging effort and tend to have higher compliance rates while staff focused on private land and areas where we had received reports of non-compliant activities occurring.
High compliance
Our teams of honorary rangers encountered high compliance rates. One team encountered a group of four hunters who appear to have given them at least partially false details and this is being investigated further. It is likely two of the party were Hunting Without a Licence. Other teams found 100% compliance rates with some of the usual issues such as hunters having their watches running 15 minutes fast.
In total staff checked 77 hunters and one angler with 9 offence notifications issued, 1 rod and 7 guns, seized. In future we plan to do more coordinated activities involving the police and FSA.
Hunting time with friends and family
Following the opening weekend, we ran the first round of harvest surveys for the Auckland/Waikato region.
This year included a national objective to understand hunter satisfaction.
Randomly selected hunters were asked to rate their opening weekend experience, the number of ducks in their hunting area, their harvest, and what they might "typically" get on OW.
Generally, most hunters seemed to have a great opening weekend, citing time with friends and family as a key factor on top of bird numbers.
The weather has made it difficult for some, with generally clear/sunny conditions across our region for opening and the following week.
With some recent rain, some of the wetlands such as the Whangamarino and Opuatia have finally got some decent water and by all accounts the birds are finding the newly created food source, and the shooting has picked up.
We have also had reports of some unreal stubble hunting for those lucky enough to find access.
With so much standing maize and late harvesting occurring its well worth doing some leg work and door knocking.
Hunter's satisfaction will be analysed across regions, and we are excited to share what we find soon.