Both Barrels July 2024 - Auckland/Waikato
- Auckland/Waikato
- 23/07/2024
Please respond if you receive a text from Fish & Game next week. More details below.
One way Fish & Game manages waterfowl is by banding ducks. In Auckland Waikato, we have been banding ducks for over twenty years. When you report a band, we use this data to estimate aspects of the population, such as the total number of ducks and the number of ducks that survive one year to the next.
However, not everyone who shoots a banded duck reports it. People forget or give it to a friend who forgets. Whilst we would love every band to be reported as this would provide us with the best possible data, if for whatever reason a hunter has not managed to do so, its equally important to know so we can correct for non-reporting in our analysis.
This year, to get a better estimate of this reporting rate, we will be sending out an SMS asking if you shot a banded bird. If you receive an SMS from us, it is not a scam. You are safe to respond, and we strongly encourage you to do so.
Speaking of data – we have nearly finished up with this year's harvest surveys and wanted to share some quick stats:
Figure 1: The estimated mean number of mallards shot this opening weekend is just under 6, slightly higher than in the last couple of years.
Figure 2: The average hours hunting this opening weekend were also higher than in the last few years.
This could be because more birds were around, resulting in more time spent hunting and greater harvests. Alternatively, it could be that the clear, calm weather (i.e., trickier conditions) kept people out longer, which, on average, resulted in more birds shot.
Finally, remember to report the tag numbers if you shot a banded duck this season. You can do this online or by calling 0800 Birdband.
If you get your bands in before the end of August, you have a shot at being one of the five lucky people who will walk away with a great prize generously provided by Hunting & Fishing NZ in association with Avery.
To enter in your band details – please select here