Wellington Weekly Fishing Report - 26 March 2020

  • Wellington
  • 25/03/2020
  • Wellington

Wellington Weekly Fishing Report - 26 March 2020

Angling is temporarily suspended but the season is not over yet!

For obvious reasons this Weekly Fishing report differs to those you've previously received.   

There has been a lot of misinformation and confusion surrounding what we can and cannot to do during the COVID-19 Alert Level Four, and unfortunately angling is one activity that is off the cards for the four-week lockdown period.

The Government has made it quite clear that we must "keep to your bubble and stay at home" - the intention is for people to be isolated to remove the risk of transferring the virus . 

If everyone plays their part it is anticipated that following the four-week lockdown the emergency status will drop to Alert Level 3 or below, at which point you will be able to go fishing again.

This means our anglers could get the tail-end of the main season in, followed by several months of winter fishing on those water that remain open after April 30.

The point is, the fishing season isn't over yet!

Fish & Game is working closely with NZ Police and health authorities, so we'll bring you updates when movement restrictions and alert levels change, and how these might impact anglers, as soon as we've been made aware of them.

In the meantime, if you have any further queries, please refer to the dedicated COVID-19 section on our website with information relevant to our anglers.               

We wish you all the best over this trying period we face ahead, and hope to see you on the water again very soon.   

Pictured: Angling in backcountry isolation (Copyright Hamish Carnachan)   

Video of the Week

If you can't get out on the water yourself, the next best thing is to watch other anglers doing.

Local fisho Andrew Harding (a.k.a Troutboynz) has clocked up a pretty impressive catalogue of videos over the years - from both around the country and local water. 

Check out his YouTube channel where you'll find weeks of angling entertainment!


Tip Of The Week

Here are a couple of ideas to help keep you sane while in lockdown:

1. Take stock - Get out all your gear and see what state it's in. Write a list of what needs replacing (including flies and tippet material), and sort out what needs cleaning (flylines and waders etc) and get stuck in. 

2. Start planning for next season - Covid-19 will go away and life will return to normal. Why not start planning your Opening Day mission for season 2021-22, or, all going well, look up places to head for the last week of this season. Pull out your maps, load up the WAMS site, and lose yourself in dreams of tomorrow.     

3. Tie some flies - This is a great way to wile away a few hours and, if you like me and need the practice, will help you prefect that killer pattern.

4. Get tricky - Learn some funky casts... Kiwi casting maestro Carl McNeil has some awesome videos on technical and trick casting. Get out on the lawn and learn some casts that'll blow your mates minds next time your on the river or, better yet, help you get a fly to that fish that they can't.



Until next time, from the team at Wellington Fish & Game, stay safe.



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