Weekly Fishing Report North Canterbury

  • North Canterbury
  • 24/04/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove

Weekly Fishing Report North Canterbury

Welcome anglers to the final weekly fishing report for the current season.

Prospects for fishable water are looking pretty good for Anzac day, although beyond that the forecast is possibly marginal.

There is a Nor West front moving up the West Coast on Friday with the possibility of some rain.

Heavy rain in the main divide is forecast for Saturday morning.

Above Right: Dominik Letkovsky with Jill caught on Lake Georgina.

On Anzac day, Friday and Saturday maybe the best last chance at fishing the main salmon rivers this season. 

There are also “sever gale force Nor West winds” forecast for the Canterbury High Country on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The best day for a last High Country trout fish this season is Anzac day before the front arrives.

The Rakaia river is fishable at present and flowing at 137 cumecs. The Waiamakariri is flowing at 100 cumecs and is described as milky but fishable today.

It would be advisable for anglers to check the ECAN river flows and rainfall website for up to date information before heading out for a fish on Sunday in particular.

Waitangi whopper caught

One of the elusive monster rainbow trout released into Lake Georgina has been caught. 

After two months, "Jill" was caught by Dominik Letkovsky on a softbait  at around 7.30 am, she weighed 15 pounds.

Dominik removed the tag from Jill  and then released Jill to be reunited with Walter and Dominik bought the tag into the North Canterbury Fish & Game office to claim his prize generously provided by Hunting & Fishing Tower Junction valued at over $250. 

A special thanks to them for their support. 

Walter is still at large! Maybe he was the one that cleaned up a previous angler?

There is another prize of equal value, awaiting the angler that catches him.

As the season end draws near it looks like Walter maybe a next season fish now!

Compliance issues

If you see any illegal activities please Call Fish and Game on 0800 327426, or Dirk Barr, 021 221 8378, Steve Terry, 021 221 8327, Tony Hawker, 021 221 8325. We will try and get a ranger there asap.

 Any Salmon Around?

The Waimakariri is still the best option for a last chance at a fish.

Other main stem rivers are quiet now as they peak earlier than the Waimakariri.

Any salmon left to migrate will not be hanging around long at this time of the season, as their spawning clock is ticking fast.

Good luck for your last fish chance of the season!

Biennial Fishing Regulations Review 

North Canterbury Fish & Game is calling for angler submissions on the biennial fishing regulations review.

Every two years we seek angler feedback and suggestions about our regulations.

All submissions need to be written and anglers with a submission need to have them into Fish & Game by 5 pm May 10.

On Wednesday May 15 we will hold a public submission hearing at the North Canterbury Fish & Game Office from 6.30 pm for those who wish to talk to their submission.

You can email your submission to [email protected] or post it into:

North Canterbury Fish & Game

PO Box 50 


All submissions will be collated and given to councillors for their consideration.

This is your chance to have your say!!

Tight Lines all,

Dirk Barr, North Canterbury Fish and Game.

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