Weekly Fishing Report – Central South Island 28-10-2021

  • Central South Island
  • 28/10/2021
  • Richie Cosgrove

Weekly Fishing Report – Central South Island 28-10-2021

It’s time to sure up your plans for the high-country opening. 

If you need to gain permission to cross private land, book accommodation, spool up a new line on your reel or top-up your supply of your favourite lures — now’s the time!  

Don’t jump the gun! Be sure to check your regulation guide here as to what waterways open and when. 

The high-country opening for the Central South Island Region is Saturday, November 6, the traditional “first-Saturday” opening. 

Our neighbouring Fish & Game Region to the South, Otago, have a November 1 opening.  

In the past, we have had issues with anglers illegally fishing Central South Island waterways like the Maerewhenua River on November 1, thinking they were in the Otago Fish & Game Region. 

And remember, the Upper Ahuriri River and lagoons remain closed until the first Saturday in December. 

Please remember it’s your responsibility to stick to the regulations.  

Above Right: It’s time to prepare - high-country waters open on November 6th in the Central South Island Region Credit R Adams 

On another compliance matter, our Labour Weekend ranging efforts at the canal detected a few offences, and I’d like to bring two of those to your attention. 

Firstly, we had a couple of anglers present last years licence with the explanation they thought it was still valid. 

The dates your licence are valid for is printed on your licence; please read your licence before going fishing.

To help with this issue, check in with your mates about licencing before you go fishing with them. 

Ask your mates: do you have a licence, is it still valid, have you checked the dates?

That type of helpful query from a mate may have prevented two anglers from having their rods seized in the weekend. 

You can buy licences online on your phone at www.fishandgame.org.nz, or you can go to local licence agents – check out this licence agent list for options near you

Secondly, if you are using a fish for bait, it must be whole and intact. 

Our rangers found three anglers using cut up salmon fillet for bait during Labour Weekend — this is illegal because you cannot use any portion of a fish as bait. 

So, keep your fish bait whole folks — whole bully, whole anchovy, whole whale shark etc. 

Alternatively, use a crustacean for bait like shrimp or an insect-like huhu grub.

The bait fishing regulations can be found in the first schedule of the regulation guide

The weather is looking alright for fishing this weekend on the plains and around the foothills; Saturday looks to be your best bet. 

It might get a bit windy in the Mackenzie Basin this weekend with a Westerly front pushing up the main divide. 

Best to keep a close eye on the weather, especially if you intend to go boating on the Waitaki lakes. 


Bi-Monthly Council Meeting - Thursday 11 November 2021

Where: 32 Richard Pearse Drive, Temuka. Time: 7 pm.

Licence holders and members of the public are welcome to attend.

Copies of Council Agendas and confirmed minutes are available under the terms of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987

Draft Sports Fish and Game Management Plan 

The Draft Sports Fish and Game Management Plan for the Central South Island Region was publicly notified on 16 October. Submissions are due before 5 pm on 10 December 2021.

The Draft Plan, public notice and submission form can be found here

2021 Kids Salmon Fishing Day - Cancelled 

Unfortunately, the 2021 Kids Salmon Fishing Day in Twizel, pencilled in for November 7, has been cancelled.



Meet in Twizel, outside Jakes Hardware Store, at 8.30 am for a briefing and your Spot Prize number.

Generous sponsors mean the spot prizes are fantastic again this year. 

BBQ Salmon Lunch supplied by Mt Cook Alpine Salmon and High Country Salmon. 

Want to catch a sea run salmon? 

New regulations and requirements apply for sea run salmon in the CSI and North Canterbury Regions. 

Click here for all the information you need

Tight Lines

Rhys Adams, Central South Island Fish & Game Officer

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