Weekly Fishing Report - Central South Island - 09-12-2021

  • Central South Island
  • 9/12/2021
  • Central South Island

Weekly Fishing Report - Central South Island - 09-12-2021

There have been a few salmon caught at the Tekapo and Ohau C Canals lately, there may still be a few about this weekend.

Most salmon have been caught in the vicinity of the salmon farms but on Wednesday this week Bek Green secured her families Christmas dinner near the Tekapo A power station (pictured).

Right: Bek Green with Christmas dinner caught from the Tekapo Canal - photo Simon Green

It was a special catch for Bek being her first salmon and comes after a few fishing trips with nothing caught.

A classic 10gram black and gold toby enticed the bite.

A quick reminder, the daily bag limit is two fish total at the canals – you must cease fishing the canals after keeping your second fish.

The regulation guide is always available online at the Fish & Game website here.

John Cumberpatch and a group of mates recently spent a week in the Twizel area, catching a few salmon in the 4.5 to 9lb range on a variety of spinners near the farms on the Ohau C Canal.

John’s group also trolled on Lake Ruataniwha with great success and fly fished the Twizel River.

John commented that there were few fish in the Twizel river section they fished and didymo was a nuisance.

News from the Waitaki River at Kurow from Graeme Hughes goes like this.

“Fishing the Waitaki River caddis hatch is in full swing, starts about 9.30 to 10.00pm, I usually leave the river about 11.00pm having had ample run ins with "adrenalin charged" rainbows and browns.

The hooking rate is high, the landing rate low, but a great experience. 

Weekday flows in the high 400 cumecs are challenging, flows do reduce during the weekend but last weekend not so much.”

Don Tilson reports on his catch from Lake MacGregor (see photo).

“A 5.5lb brown I caught at Alexandrina on a dragon fly larvae imitation, the fish all seem to be still bottom feeding no surface activity at all.

Expertly netted by Kaye and released.”

WFR2122.30 Don Tilson and his catch from Lake McGregor Photo Kaye Tilson

Don Tilson and his catch from Lake McGregor - Photo Kaye Tilson

Region wide rain over the past 10 days or so has elevated river flow and lake levels so be sure to check out the ECan river flows website before heading out this weekend.

There looks to be some more rain in the forecast for the weekend too – it may pay to try get ahead of the rain and fish Friday evening and Saturday morning.

For many lowland rivers the rain has been a boon and has kept thoughts of summer low flows and drought at bay.

There are some great spring-like river conditions on offer now, don’t miss out.

Rivers like the Rangitata, however, with its source in the main divide, may still be high and discoloured this weekend.

The Rangitata River clarity tends to come right at flow less than about 90-100 cumecs measured at ECan’s Klondyke flow recorder.  

Genesis continues to manage Lake Tekapo’s high levels by spilling to the Tekapo River via the Lake George Scott spill weir.

Spill volumes have steadily increased since spilling began last Friday to a peak of 212 cumecs.

Anglers are reminded that Tekapo River flows may rise rapidly during spilling and all river users are urged to take extreme caution to avoid rising river flows.   

Spill flows can be viewed at the Genesis website here.

Tekapo River flows in the lower river, downstream of the Mary Burn confluence, can be view on the ECan website here.

News of spilling segues into a reminder about looking for tagged trout in the Tekapo Canal and reporting the details to us ph. 03 615 8400, email csi@fishandgame.org.nz

Our current tagging programme is based on retrieving trout from the Tekapo Spillway after spilling or other managed flows.

Tag returns give us great insight into the growth rates of adult trout in the Tekapo canal.

When the current spilling finishes, we will tag and release more trout into the Tekapo Canal to boost the current project.

Check out this video explaining our Tekapo Canal tagging project and what info we are asking you to report.

WFR2122.29 The Tekapo River recieving spilling flows from the Lake George Scott spillway weir Credit Rhys Adams

The Tekapo River receiving spilling flows from the Lake George Scott spillway weir - Credit Rhys Adams

Notice Board

Illegal river mouth set-netting

Complaints of illegal set-netting activities should be made to the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI).

MPI Dunedin advise that Timaru MPI Officer Kevin Reynolds (03 7430171) is first contact for illegal set-net complaints south of the Rakaia River.

If he is not contactable then call the 0800 4 POACHER hotline (0800 476 224).

Regarding sports fish (trout and salmon), an offence occurs in freshwater when any sports fish caught set-netting, is taken, and not returned to the water.

Draft Sports Fish and Game Management Plan

The Draft Sports Fish and Game Management Plan for the Central South Island Region was publicly notified on 16 October. Submissions are due before 5pm on 10 December 2021. The Draft Plan, public notice and submission form can be found here.

Want to catch a sea run salmon?

New regulations and requirements apply for sea run salmon in the CSI and North Canterbury Regions.

Click here for all the information you need.


Tight Lines,

Rhys Adams

Central South Island Fish & Game Officer

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