Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 11th October 2019

  • North Canterbury
  • 10/10/2019
  • Richie Cosgrove

Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 11th October 2019

Hello and welcome to the North Canterbury region fishing report. 

There has been some heavy rain falling in the main divide with more rain forecast today (Thursday). 

The rain eases in the high country for the weekend but drizzly showers will be dominant over the rest of Canterbury-hardly ideal conditions.

It is more than likely that the main alpine rives will be unfishable this weekend.  

Right: Kahu Cawood somewhere in North Canterbury last Sunday says her dad:-), taken on a on hare & copper; the fish were very large he said.

However, next week there looks to be some settled weather. 

Flows will probably be fishable at the river mouths from the start of next week. 

The rivers have been cold this year and this latest fresh is going to keep them cool. 

This may mean that sea run activity around the mouths is a bit quiet until the weather warms again.

The rain on the plains this weekend doesn’t look to be too heavy. 

This means that foot hill stream such as the Ashley or Selwyn will remain fishable.  The Ashley has an ideal flow for fishing the middle or lower reaches. 

Lakes Ellesmere was opened to the sea on Wednesday the 9th of October. 

This will bring a welcome burst of food into Lake Ellesmere to support the trout population. 

Ellesmere tributaries should be running clear with some high healthy flows. 

Once again the weather looks ideal next week to try some evening fishing on the Selwyn, L11 or Harts Creek.  Streams close to Christchurch such as the Otukaikino or the Cust Main drain would be worth a look as well.

It won’t be much fun for fly anglers this weekend but spin angler can still enjoy some fishing in the drizzle on the smaller streams around the plains that won’t be affected by the rain in the main divide.

Technique of the week

If you absolutely have to go out this weekend and find yourself with muddy water there are some options. 

When rivers are high and dirty trout will try and move to the sides of the main flow to quieter water. 

In times of flooding this can be in the form of backwaters. 

Even if they are complete mud in colour, they will still hold fish.

When I was growing up on the Motueka River, my friends and I used to wait for the river to turn a muddy colour.

We found the fish to be too hard to catch during normal flows. 

So as soon as the river was flooding we used to head for some spots that we knew fish would retreat to during these times. 

We mainly used flashy spinners such as black and gold Toby’s or silver spoons. 

More realistic looking lures tended not to do so well because of the visibility I guess.

Now I find better things to do in these conditions but for whatever reason there has been the odd occasion in recent years where I have found myself on muddy rivers. 

The old fashioned lures mentioned above still work a treat. 

The challenge is just accessing water when you can’t move around in the riverbeds. 

Look for where smaller clearer streams meet the main rivers. 

The smaller tributaries lower down will be running clearer than the mainstems. 

Often the main river will back up the tributary and provide some calm water for trout seeking a haven. 

They can be ferocious feeders at these times as all sorts of food gets washed down the river in a fresh.

Or you could do what I am going to do and wait for some more favourable conditions next week!


Silverstream 3 weeks LEFT

Three weeks to go for fundraising to restore the Silverstream.

Water & Wildlife Habitat Trust have been fundraising through Million Metres to plant 875m of the Silverstream.

They have had some incredible support from businesses and individuals, who together have donated nearly $40,000!

But they are not quite yet at their $44,000 goal - can you help them get there?

They have three weeks to get there with the page closing on the 1st November.

This project aims to bring back a thriving living stream full of wildlife, like it once was.

Over the winter they have been planting some of the 2040 native trees and plants along the stream.

The Student Volunteer Army have been out in force supporting the planting.

To ensure these plants establish and don’t get covered in weeds, maintenance need to be carried out.

They need to reach their $44,000 goal to make sure the plants get looked after.

Can you join the other generous individuals and businesses who have supported the restoration of the Silverstream?

Donate to the project here:

Notice Board 

20 October - Take  A Kid Fishing day at the Groynes

2 November - High Country fisheries open

26 November - Salmon Night at Hunting & Fishing Tower Junction 6.30pm

Tight lines.

Tony Hawker

Fish and Game Officer

North Canterbury Fish and Game Council

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