Wellington Reel Life Mar 2017
- 31/03/2017
Prime time angling
Okay, the weather has been crazy, and at least in some rivers that normally fire the fish have been fickle...
But those who have been out when the conditions have been right have got into some awesome angling.
Right: A back country beauty for Peter de Boer.
As we head further into autumn the weather become even less reliable but the great thing about late season is the condition of the fish. At this time of year they are at their absolute prime!
Plenty of trout will be starting to feel the spawning urge now that we’ve had a few cooler nights and the days are getting shorter.
They will be stacking up at the confluences of the main-stem rivers and their natal spawning streams, and also up in the headwaters.
A hog in absolutely sensational pre-spawning condition.
For the latter, now’s the time to turn your eyes to these backcountry fisheries before the main season closes in a month’s time (April 30).
Weekly reports proving popular
Wellington Fish & Game’s weekly fishing reports are going from strength to strength and proving very popular with you licenceholders.
Sent out every Thursday, the reports provide timely and useful information right through the angling season.
If you aren't already receiving it, but would like the email offering tips, live weather and river flow reports, an angling noticeboard of local events and much more, click on the 'sign on' link below and email us your request to be included.
We’ve finished producing them for the year, but if you want to be on in next year’s send-out, sign on:
[[email protected] – Subject line: Weekly Fishing Reports – sign me up please].
Fish & Game NZ magazine online
Features articles, photo spreads, columns and fly tying - check it out Fish & Game NZ magazine online www.fishandgamenz.co.nz
And if you're on Facebook, 'like' the Fish & Game NZ Magazine Online: [https://www.facebook.com/Fish-and-Game-NZ-Online-1401418666535461/] page so we can keep you up to date with new content releases, competitions and other offers.
Drift diving draws to a close
Staff have drifted rivers throughout the region this summer, getting a better gauge of fish stocks in the region.
The drift diving season is coming to a close.
It may look like fun but it's serious stuff - we use the data gathered to get an estimate of the health of the fisheries.
Right: Wellington staff and volunteers drift dive the Hutt River.
Over the course of our drift diving programme this season we've encountered many anglers.
We appreciate that our activity isn't that conducive to good fishing after we've been through a section of river - so we'd like to thank everyone for their patience and being such great sports.
There are only a handful of rivers remaining to be dived - when we've knocked them off we'll let you know the results!