Reel Life October 2020

  • West Coast
  • 20/10/2020
  • Richie Cosgrove

Reel Life October 2020

2020-21 Sport Fishing Season off to a Great Start!

Anglers making the most of early season opportunities have found both good numbers and great conditioned trout.

For trout to be in such good condition this early in the season, things are looking promising to again get some large trout this season.

The number of trout in the lower reaches of many rivers has increased recently as bait fish have arrived in good numbers so be sure to give them a visit at change of light sometime.

Right: Toni Joass with a brown trout recently caught on spin gear in a river during high flows. (Photo Toni Joass)

Recent rainfall has put the rivers up several times, but this isn’t necessarily unwelcomed news, especially for spin anglers.

A lot of the smaller rivers that opened the first of October typically fish better with a bit of colour as you try to fool some of these large witty brown trout.

If they are too high there is always the spring creeks and lakes, so do not let the rain get in the way of you making the most of this great angling season! If coasters waited for the rain to stop before doing anything, we’d get nothing done!

Ruby Creek Angler Access2

A angler new angler access point put up over winter (Photo Baylee Kersten)

Get Exploring

Staff compliance rounds have found many anglers fishing handy spots close to home but fishing locations off the beaten track are receiving little fishing pressure.

Angling spots like this are typically very popular with non-resident anglers, but with very few of them around, kiwis are going to have to step up their game to be sure the trout aren’t neglected.

When fishing a new area, the angler access points are good starts, with not only are they where access has been negotiated but typically where we recommend fishing.

If you haven’t done so already call in to your local Fish & Game agent and grab a West Coast Access map or it can be downloaded here, that should give you a few ideas of where to start!

Lake Brunner Fishing


Filming Lake Brunner Fishing Secrets.(Photo Richard Cosgrove)

The annual Lake Brunner Fishing Competition is taking place November 27th to 29th and as part of it, Fish & Game are running an educational family fishing skills and information session.

The skills and information session will be held on Saturday 28th of November at 2pm at the Moana Boat Ramp.

This event is for any angler who wants to increase their success but especially new anglers and younger anglers (that must be accompanied by an adult).

All fishing methods will be discussed, and advice will be given as well as the opportunity to ask a local Fish & Game officer about other spots in the region.

If you can not make the event but are after a few tips click here to check out the Lake Brunner Fishing Secret Video that was recently released.

First time anglers Hayley Hoare and Toby Gallagher trying their luck in Lake Brunner on opening day. photo Baylee Kersten

First time anglers Hayley Hoare and Toby Gallagher trying their luck in Lake Brunner on opening day. (photo Baylee Kersten)

Not having much luck fishing?

There is nothing worse for a Fish & Game officer to hear than of a angler who can’t seem to catch a trout and have now given up!

If you find yourself in this position, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help.

A angler was struggling the other day to get a trout for dinner, after suggesting a few tips and a new location, I received a text 20 minutes later saying “Good spot, second cast, heading home” so let’s get you catching also.

In addition to this, we are looking to do a basics of fly casting session in the Grey Valley so if you’re interested in such event please register you interest by emailing [email protected]

Hope to see you out there!

Baylee Kersten, West Coast Fish & Game Officer.

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