Otago Reel Life September 2018

  • Otago
  • 27/09/2018

Otago Reel Life September 2018

New season holds exciting prospects

The start of the new season on October 1 falls on a Monday so consider making a long weekend of it.

The school holidays are scheduled as well so for those of you with enthusiastic young fishers, make some solid plans to enjoy your new season's outings.

Above Right:Sophie Gilmore, six, from Tarras with her new fishing rod, reel, and favourite pink lure on the shores of Lake Hawea.

The last weeks of September brought snow to the high country and much needed rain to rivers.

While at the time of writing I can’t predict what opening conditions will be, most fisheries should be in good shape barring any major weather events.

Prepare well, ensure all the fishing gear is up to scratch – new line for the kids' reels, a few new lures to satisfy their needs, and most importantly your 2018-19 fishing licence.

You can buy one from local sporting and information outlets throughout the region or online 24/7.

Click here to buy a licence online.

Places to fish

P1040872While a range of fisheries are open all year, most of Otago’s brown trout lowland waters and reservoirs have been closed over winter to protect spawning fish.

These fisheries open on October 1 providing a range of opportunities, given that they haven’t been disturbed by anglers for at least five months.

Fish will be hungry after the winter and of course the whitebait season is in full swing sothere will be plenty of fish actively feeding.

The inland reservoirs are worth a visit and there have been positive reports of some nice rainbow trout being caught at Butchers Dam near Alexandra which is stocked annually.

If you haven’t fished the Teviot River give it some thought. It holds a large number of smallish browns and a few biggies.

You shouldn’t go home without catching a fish or two.

Our main lakes continue to fish well with plenty of rainbows congregating at river mouths in preparation for their spawning migrations.

For information on access and our fishing brochures click here

New Zealand Walking Access Commission Mapping site clickhere

Otago Regional Council Water Info site clickhere

Regulation Changes

There are several regulation changes for the Otago region, including a general reduction in daily fish limits from October 1.

All anglers are reminded to familiarise themselves with the regulations prior to the season opening before heading out fishing.

Sports Fishing Regulation Booklets can be obtained when you buy your licence from licence agents or you can access the regulations online from our website. Click this link

Upcoming events

Over the next couple of months there are various Take a Kid Fishing (TAKF) activities and competitions being run by Clubs and groups.

6 October Glenorchy Fishing Competition

2-3 November Lake Hawea Hotel Fishing Competition

11 November Lake Dunstan Family Fishing Competition

18 November Upper Clutha Anglers TAKF at Lake Hawea

Late November Lakes and Coastal Fishing Club TAKF, Lake Tewa Queenstown

New threat to our sports fisheries

The Parliamentary Select Committee considering the Conservation (Indigenous Freshwater Fish) Amendment Bill is now accepting submissions on the Bill.

Fish & Game is now alerting anglers to the threats to trout and angling the Bill contains, and urging them to write to their MPs, party leaders and the Prime Minister - to outline their opposition to the Bill’s anti-trout content.

You can read our Trout Threat pages here

All the best for the start of the new season and please feel free to send in some photos of your adventures for use in future Reel life editions and other publications.

Email to [email protected]

Cliff Halford, Fish and Game Officer, Cromwell

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