Nelson/Marlborough Reel Life February 2018

  • Nelson/Marlborough
  • 27/02/2018

Nelson/Marlborough Reel Life February 2018

More fish for local rivers

In mid-January, staff released more fish into Marlborough waterways.

The Taylor River was first stop, where 100 rainbows were released, followed by another 100 into Spring Creek.

It was then back to the hatchery where staff tagged 200 more fish with blue floy tags and carted them to the Rai/Opouri Rivers for release.

Above right: The trout carry blue floy tags with individual numbers.

This was carried out between Bulford Bridge and Tunakino confluence, and already staff have received feedback from anglers on a number of fish caught in Spring Creek, Opouri, and no doubt also from the Taylor River.

If you catch any floy tagged fish, or indeed any rainbow trout in the Taylor River or Spring Creek, please inform Fish & Game.

Kids fish out pond development

Taylor releaseFish & Game staff are excited to tell Marlborough anglers about the development of a junior fish out pond that's expected to be completed by next fishing season.

The pond will be used for kid’s fishing events as well as junior angling opportunities outside these events.

Left: Fish & Game Manager Rhys Barrier with some of the 100 rainbow trout that were recently released into the Taylor River.

Preliminary site investigation with Marlborough District Council engineers have pinpointed a suitable site on council land in lower Spring Creek.

Fish & Game staff are working on appropriate conditions and approvals to get underway, with much of the funding coming from Fish & Game’s national funding process, as well as financial and administrative support from MDC.

This is great news for families in Marlborough who will now have the benefit of organised fishing events, which have proven to be incredibly popular in Tasman with Challies Island junior fishing ponds.

Fish & Game staff have seen real benefit from kids fish out days, that continue beyond these events as junior anglers can fish of their own accord, using the skills they have learned from experienced guides.

Junior anglers in Blenheim also have the luxury of a junior-only fishery in the Taylor River, which Fish & Game regularly stocks with adult fish.

In the past two years, we've released close to 400 rainbow and brown trout here which have provided excellent fishing for Blenheim anglers.

Have your say on Molesworth's future

Acheron RiverWith its rich history, conservation values and a place that provides outstanding recreation opportunities, Molesworth Station is a truly captivating place that is treasured by many.

Right: Molesworth Station offers excellent angling opportunities.

The station is currently managed as both a high country working farm and a recreational reserve, however the farming lease expires in 2020.

Now is your chance to have your say on how you'd like Molesworth managed in the future.

The Department of Conservation want your thoughts on:

  • how Molesworth is currently managed
  • how you think the range of values on Molesworth should be managed in the future
  • future opportunities or improvements to the way Molesworth is managed

The survey takes just 10-15 minutes to complete, and it’s very important anglers and hunters alike have their say, just click here

Passion vine hopper season in full swing

PVH2While the incessant rasping of the cicada currently fills the airwaves, the much quieter passive vine hopper (PVH) quietly mooches along doing its own thing.

Left: Passion vine hoppers are everywhere at the moment and the trout love them.

The PVH (also known as lace moth) loves river corridors and is found in high numbers where scrub and weeds abound – a true lowland river specialist.

In March the PVH is one of the key food sources for trout who can become fixated on the torpedo-like bugs and seek them enthusiastically in the current, often moving metres to intercept them in a splashy rise.

Artificial variations of them abound, but only a small number accurately portray the original.

Which is why you need a few variations, for what works one day may not work the next (strange considering the natural version always remains the same).

Like willow grubbers, fishing to PVH-obsessed fish can be highly frustrating as they attack every natural around your fly without grabbing your offering.

However when you get things right, some wonderful fishing is on offer.

Used wading boots - free to good home

Know anyone that needs a pair of used wading boots? Felix at Owen River Lodge has kindly donated around 25 pairs of Simms wading boots, in a range of sizes and condition, which are free to a good home.

wadingFelix has also donated a fishing vest, which we'd love to give to a young angler or someone new to fishing.

If you know anyone who would be a worthy recipient for a pair of these boots, or indeed the fishing vest, please contact the Nelson Fish & Game office on 03-544 6382 or email: [email protected]

Buller and upper Wairau River works

Anglers take note, there's some emergency river engineering due to take place on the Upper Buller (downstream of the Howard confluence), and the Upper Wairau (Connors and Hells Gate).

While much of the work here will be done outside of the channel, there may be short durations where instream works will take place, and there may be some discolouration for short periods of time.

Jacob Lucas, Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game officer.

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