Review of local angling rules underway

  • Eastern
  • 17/02/2020
  • Eastern

Review of local angling rules underway

The Eastern Fish and Game Council are currently reviewing its angling rules (dubbed the ‘Anglers Notice’) and are seeking feedback on several proposed changes. The ‘Anglers Notice Process’ is a system whereby the regional sportsfishing rules are reviewed and may be altered to allow for sustainability of the resource and to foster participation and maximise opportunities for anglers.


The Eastern Region Fish and Game Council are keen to remove barriers to participation and to make the fishing regulations as simple as possible to encourage all anglers and new participants into the sport.


An ‘Issues and Options’ paper may be viewed by clicking here


If you have any views on the proposed changes, please ensure all correspondence is returned by 20th March 2020. This provides Council with the opportunity to consider feedback prior to their April Council meeting.


Correspondence may be emailed to


Or, posted to:


Eastern Region Fish & Game

Private Bag 3010

Rotorua 3046

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