Lower Ruamahanga fishery firing

  • 4/12/2017

Lower Ruamahanga fishery firing

Anglers from across the wider Wellington region are flocking to the lower Ruamahanga to hook into some of the best trout fishing action the region has seen in years.

Wellington Fish & Game Manager Phil Teal says the lower Ruamahanga – from Martinborough to Lake Onoke – is “on fire” and attracting anglers from far and near.

“Some big catches have been reported, with one party of fishermen catching and releasing over 25 trout, with some upwards of 2.5kg (6lb).

“That’s exceptional fishing by any measure.

“Word has obviously got out through the grapevine too because our staff and rangers have noticed a marked increase in angling activity in the lower reaches.”

Mr Teal says after several lean years the trout fishery in the lower reaches of the Ruamahanga appears to have bounced back this season.

“We’re encouraged by both the high numbers of fish around as well as the excellent condition they’re in.

“Both the rainbows and browns being caught are big and fit and have obviously benefited from the bountiful food supply that’s been present in the bottom of the catchment this spring. 

“If we could clean up the land-use impacts and hence improve water quality in the catchment, the fishing could be even better.

“While the regional council’s river engineering is sadly decimating fish habitat in the mid reaches of the river, lower down there are still deep pools and shelter.

“This, combined with an abundance of food, has obviously acted as a bit of a magnet for the trout this season.”

There is plenty of easily accessible water in the lower Ruamahanga too which does not require a boat, so it makes it a family-friendly fishing venue with a high chance of success, adds Mr Teal. 

Anyone wanting to fish for freshwater sport fish, like trout, needs a licence, which is available on the Fish & Game website (www.fishandgame.org.nz).

As a result of the increase in angling activity, Mr Teal says there will be an enhanced ranging and compliance effort to ensure everyone is playing by the rules.

  • For high resolution images or more information, contact Wellington Fish & Game manager Phil Teal – 021 859120.


  • IMG_lower ruamahunga_24: Wellington angler Peter De Boer brings a big brown trout into the net – Credit: Andrew Harding.
  • IMG_lower ruamahanga_25: Wellington angler Matt Hince with a large brown trout from the lower Ruamahanga River – Credit: Andrew Harding.


Watch the hot angling action in the Wellington Fish & Game region in our short video – https://vimeo.com/240577399



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