Wakapuaka Pukeko hunt coming up!

  • Nelson/Marlborough
  • 26/07/2017
  • Richie Cosgrove

Wakapuaka Pukeko hunt coming up!

The date has been set for the annual pukeko hunt at Wakapuaka.  

Keep Sunday August 13 free for an enjoyable few hours of ‘driven-style’ hunting, which despite its popularity as a fun day out also goes some way to alleviate the impacts these birds have on farming and mallard breeding in this area.  

Above Right: The Wakapuaka pukeko hunt is a great place to introduce young or new hunters to game bird hunting.

Hunters will meet at the usual spot near the Boulder Bank carpark at 10am, where we'll hold a briefing before dispersing into two groups to begin the drive. 

The hunt will be run slightly differently this year; we aim to have better dispersal of hunters along the ‘defensive line’ to reduce gaps, as well as spread hunters for safety reasons.

For safety reasons, no ground shooting of hares will be permitted on this hunt. 

Junior or un-licenced hunters will also be required to be under direct supervision, meaning only one gun will be allowed per pair.  

No prior registration is required, just turn up on the day at 10am, however if you have any questions please call the Nelson Fish & Game office.

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