Queens Birthday Honour for Environmental Champion

  • 12/06/2018
  • Richie Cosgrove

Queens Birthday Honour for Environmental Champion

“A champion for the environment” – Fish & Game says Bryce Johnson’s Queen’s Birthday honour is “richly deserved”

Fish & Game chairman Lindsay Lyons says the Queen’s Birthday honour given to former Fish & Game Chief Executive Bryce Johnson decision is richly deserved recognition of an “inspirational” environmental campaigner.

Bryce Johnson has been made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queens Birthday Honours.

Lindsay Lyons says Johnson has been inspirational.

“Bryce Johnson has lead from the front and fought long and hard to protect New Zealand’s environment from the ravages of greedy, unthinking development.

“The battle hasn’t been easy and at times lonely, but despite personal attacks, Bryce has been staunch, determined and successful,” Mr Lyons says.

Lindsay Lyons says Bryce Johnson’s work spans decades.

“Bryce was visionary recognising the increasing threat to the environment 40 years ago and worked hard with successive governments to protect our wild places.

“He was instrumental in persuading the Muldoon government to give outstanding rivers and lakes the equivalent of national park protection with Water Conservation Orders and under his leadership, Fish & Game is responsible for 12 of the 15 existing WCOs,” Mr Lyons says.

“Bryce used his passion, commitment and good humour to help weld environmental groups into a united front to fight for our wild places.  Even his opponents admit he has been a powerful and effective campaigner and he has earned their respect.” 

Lindsay Lyons says Bryce Johnson has also battled for New Zealanders’ rights.

“The right for Kiwis to be able to swim in their rivers, fish and gather food from them has been a powerful driving force for Bryce,” Mr Lyons says.

“He has also fought for Kiwis’ access to the outdoors and back country.  He firmly believes it’s their right and heritage and he has firmly opposed any exclusive capture that would take away this traditional access and give it to those rich enough to pay for it,” Mr Lyons says.

“Bryce is not only a champion for the environment and conservation, but for all New Zealanders and I am delighted his hard work and sacrifice has been recognised.”

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