Paradise Duck Burgers

  • 19/05/2017
  • Richie Cosgrove

Paradise Duck Burgers

Steve Doughty created this masterpiece when some members of his family declared they weren't too fussed on duck. Even though Paradise is stronger than Mallard  these burgers were an excellent way of creating a distinctive duck taste without the strong game flavour which many people don’t like.

This recipe will make about 4 generous burger patties, or you could make two and make the rest in to meat balls the next night as a pasta dish.



1 Paradise duck breast (both sides)

Beef mince (same weight as duck breast)

¼ Medium red onion diced

½ Tsp minced ginger

2 Tsp Sesame oil

2 Tsp Sage (Dried is fine)

½ Tsp Minced chilli

1 Egg



Mince the duck breast using a food processor and add all ingredients until well mixed.

You could use a mincer for the duck and combine ingredients well in a bowl if you do not have a food processor.

For best results prepare this the day before and store overnight in an air tight container in the fridge.

You could also use immediately but overnight will enhance the flavours.

Mould in to patties to the size of your hamburger buns and about 25mm thick on a board sprinkled with flour.

Cook in a hot fry pan 3 mins each side for medium rare and 4-5 mins each side for well done.


The Burger

Add all desired items to your burger but it is worth keeping it simple to enjoy the amazing flavour of the meat, I recommend the following ingredients:


Slices of Camembert cheese

Sliced gherkin

Sliced tomato

Try a ploughman’s pickle on the bun instead of the traditional tomato sauce or mustard, you won’t regret it.




Steve Doughty 

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