North Canterbury Fish & Game needs you!

  • North Canterbury
  • 26/11/2020
  • Richie Cosgrove

North Canterbury Fish & Game needs you!




North Canterbury Fish and Game Council


Are you a passionate Trout or Salmon fisherperson?

Are you a passionate Game bird hunter?

Are you interested in the leadership and governance of our unique freshwater resource?


If the answer to the above is yes!


“We need you”


The North Canterbury Fish and Game Council is the statutory manager of our sports fish and game. The council’s responsibilities are laid out in the Conservation Act 1990 and reports directly to parliament each year.

The North Canterbury Fish and Game Council is seeking to increase the diversity within our governance team. We are looking for expressions of interest from suitable people to be co-opted into our council for the last year of our term to assist the council with our new statutory 10-year plan and learn about the council’s functions. We will be running workshops and developing this plan in 2021.

This is an opportunity to learn about resource, habitat and species governance while having an input into the future of our region. We will encourage the successful people to stand for full council in the elections next October.

If this is you, please provide your expressions of interest with a brief personal overview by December 4 to:

Alan Strong

North Canterbury Fish and Game

[email protected]

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